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Orgasm Yes? Or No?

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This caught my eye because I used to be like you. I didn't know what one was. I used to tell my high school boyfriend, "I think I had one....."


But, I learned that if you don't know if you've had one or not, you haven't had one. As soon as I learned how to give myself one, I did. Often. And it was obvious!!

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It's not the same for every girl. Some girls have spazms, some cum, some make a lot of noise, and some don't make any at all.

some girls have combinations of different things. and sometimes one (from the same girl) can be different from her last one. but I think you'll definitly know it. It's like the best thing you'll feel during sex or masterbation, and well you'll know.

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Horrible as it sounds, for me it's like every muscle in my body seizes up, especially below the waist. It's like this...massive lightning bolt goes out from my...yea...and surges through my whole body. Yea I never knew at first if I was having one, but when you have one you'll know! It's like a wave crashing over you or something.

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I've had them in my sleep too.. like I am dreaming that I am getting it on with my bf or something and I start to have an orgasm and I wake up and Im sure I have really just had an orgasm...


But my friend once asked me how do you know if you have had an orgasm because she wasnt sure if she has actually had one... We talked about it and then a week later she informed me that she really never did have an orgasm until that week.. She agreed that you KNOW when you have one..


If you are unsure I am thinking you havent had one.. it just feels really good..

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Sleeping, bathtub, with boyfriend. Iv'e had em all. Not that active really, but I know that they are sometimes different even with the same activity. Relaxed and happy is usually a good thing for a very good orgasm though. There is no bad orgasm for me but some are better than others. Kinda like ice cream where its all good but some is very good

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