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I can't lose my girl I need some advice!

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For the past 2 years I have been seeing this great girl, everything I could ever want in a lady. We are both in college and both pretty poor. i took her from her bf who doesnt seem to have the same money problems that I like most college students have cause hes 8 years older than I. She also has a 4 year old kid(by a diff guy)


Well She graduated a year before me, and has to actually enter into the real world. She moved back to her home city and her parents tell her that she can't live with them. Shes pretty poor and can't afford to live in a place and be able to take a her little girl with her. Her ex having all the money in the world basically says that he will buy her a new home, car etc..... Stuff that Im light years away from. Sure I would if I could but I just can't.


She constantly asks me what to do. I can not help her cause this is just so above my head I want to stay with her but I don't see how the 2 of us could afford a place for me to live($600 college town) and then on top of that a place for her to stay($1200 bigger city). SO I told her, that if hes offering to do so much for you and, you feel that it is so imperative that you stay with your lil girl. Then I guess you should be with him(It hurts me so much to say that but I dont know what else to say) cause he can afford the things you need.


Im looking for any advice or ray of light or anything, to be able to stay with her, I mean its not a closed case I just need a solution or atleast a grain of hope? Any advice? Thanks

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This guy is LEGALLY OBLIGATD to support the baby reguardless of his invlovement with her. Make that known. She is entitled to support from the sate and welfare department reguardless of which one she lives in to some extent. She can also get section 8 or assisted housing from whatever state she lives in until a time that she can afford something on her own. Look into your(her) options and take advantage of state funded programs.


Those are your best avenues.

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