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she still love me or not?

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Hi myname is Matt ,sorry my english is not very good ,but I really need someone to help me.I'm confuse about relationship with my girlfiend.

I've been with her about a year and 3 months.In the beginnnig it was good .Everything was perfect but this couple months she start to get angry at me and yell at me alot more.She always take it out on me whever she get angry.I really love her,I did everyhting for her but it dosen't seem like she care.She thinks I'm annoying no metter what I do.I really don't know what to do,I allow her to do things that she like I never disagree.I listen to everything she said .am I too stupid ?can someone tell me what to do I feel really confuse

there's so much I want to write in here but im not that good in writeing english Im very sorry .(But i need help) did she change feeling about me?

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I agree with raggedy....take a break from each other for awhile...after that...things should be clear on what you both should do and then choose. Taking time away is a good idea...it helps you both clear your minds and think about what you both really want and maybe she'll realize some thing's about herself that she didn't know before.


I wish you luck! Good luck!

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Its good that you are being open about the way that you feel here on the boards, but honestly my friend, this isnt the place that you need to be honest and open. Maybe you should do this with her. You need to tell her that just because she has a bad day, she shouldnt take it out on you. That you are more than sympathetic to her grief, and that you will be there for her while she goes through it, but that you are not the cause and should not catch the butt of her wraith.


Be open and be DIRECT. Maybe even ask her if she loves you. Dont hide behind a facade of happy when ur feelin blue.


That will only lead to the demise of ur relationship.

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radix,Jitrenda ,


Thanks for helping me ^-^


I try everything I told her I'll always be beside her no metter what happen,I did alot of things for her and try to make her happy but she don't really care .Do u think becasue I do too much for her?She still take her anger out on me whenever she feel grumpy.Maybe take a break is a good thing to try,but I really love her and I don't want her to think weird.

What can I say?I feel confuse all the time .

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