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I only like him as a friend, but he wants to be more

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I have been friends with this boy for a while now. I always thought he just liked me as like a little sister type. But he started hitting on me really bad. At first I thought he was just kidding me. But I called my best friend Josh the other day, to ask him about it, and he was like, "Oh yeah ****** has liked you for quite a while now." I was really mad Josh hadn't told me about it, but he didn't know I cared. But see I makes me mad that ****** hadn't told me earlier. I don't want to go out with him. I'm in love with someone else. But I don't know how to explain it. I don't know what to tell him. I'm thinking to not hang out with him for the summer and hope that he finds someone else. But that might not work. What should I do without hurting his heart, or our friendship?

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Well understand your friendship probably wont survive after he knows that you know that he likes you, and you dont return the feelings. its not like he'll be mad but things will get weird and his pride will get in the way. WHats wrong with this guy anyway why wont you give him a shot

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