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preferably girls,but guys can anwer this too

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I agree with JynX. One day is good enough. Two days is pushing it a bit. In my past experience, when a guy called the next day, it kinda scared me off a little. When he called the day after, it's the feeling of anticipation that drew us together even more. Anything beyond two days I would analyze and say that this person's just not quite feeling it, so I lose interest as well. One day is best. Depends on each person.

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haven't you seen Swingers???


you play this by ear. depends on the girl, and how you're getting along. I say second day after you got the number, minimum. don't call the next day, unless you two are really cooking, and you know she's dying to hear from you.


forget that. don't call the next day, period.

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Hmmm..well considering it's not a 1-900 number..(jk)...

definetly wait at least a few days. I also saw Swingers..

and the scene where the guy called the girl and kept leaving messages

was pretty funny....and it's creepy because SOME guys may do that

after getting sloshed lol.

Oh and call her when you're SOBER... That always makes

an impression...

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