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Question for the GUYS

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I was stood up last night by someone I met online, what I want to know is why instead of leaving me sitting there like a fool, couldnt he just call or IM or SMS or SOMETHING, that he wasnt gonna show? What is the big deal? Isnt it better to just be honest...whatever the reason? I just dont get it...

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This isn't my field of knowledge (never done anything like this), but did you know this person well online?

Perhaps he thought it would be funny to just meet a stranger, and then have a few chats with them online, and then pretend they are going to meet you. Evil I know, but some people get weird kicks like this.

If you knew each other well'ish, perhaps he turnt up but didn't recognise you, or perhaps he had doubts about himself and chickened out. or perhaps he was ran over in the road or something.

I suggest asking him yourself, in a subtle way. Perhaps at first don't start by yelling at him etc, just say it gently, like "so then... what happened the other night?


I'm sorry for you I'm sure something good will come along shortly.

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An ex-roommate of mine did that once--he was supposed to go out with a girl he had met online. When he went to the restaurant where they had arranged to meet, she turned out to be much fatter than in pictures of herself she had posted. So he just left without accosting her...

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so if hedidn't email you call, or txt you....

Thanjustmove on he ain't worth it, i don't knowhow busy he is but i know i would at least give 2 mns (not even to txt someone) and say that " i woun't be able to make it" or even say "sorry i couldn't make i will explain it later" how hardis it to do that or even how long does that take? i am sure not an hour or 3 hours....


A guy who would does that to me in the first date ( first expressions count) show's he's not ready for a relationship or even a commitment...


I am not trying to hurt your feelings or think negative, but you got to see reality too... Don't want you to put your hopes up for nothing either


Good luck and just keep up to date forus

Peace Out!!

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Honey - you've already wasted enough time thinking about this. In fact, thinking about why an internet guy would stand you up for more than 1 second is a total waste of time. Like Simone said, perhaps he did show up, didn't like what he saw, and then left.


Otherwise, there is something really mentally/psychologically wrong with someone who is on an online dating site who stands up his date! Going on dates is the whole purpose of online dating. Like the others said, there is not a good reason not to send a quick text message, unless he is comatose. Even if his father got a heart attack, that's no reason he can't send you a quick text of 2 lines on his way to the hospital.


My thoughts: He decided at some point he didn't want to go on the date with you, but he didn't know how you'd take him cancelling on you (because he has an overblown ego, and didn't want you to cry or scream at him or something), so he decided to no-show.


Another possibility is that he looks NOTHING like his photo, or he already HAS a gf! He may have only signed on the dating service to do a little chatting, nothing more. And, things snowballed out of control and it led to the setting up of the date. And he then didn't know how to back out.


Forget about him. NEXT!

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Alright, I know it was a stupid question and there are hundreds of answers, Im just a closure type girl and I just wanted to put that out there.


And for everyone who keeps saying...maybe he didnt like what he saw, Hes seen a recent pic of me and he contacted me first! Dont think the thought didnt cross my mind though lol. Im ok, of course I did wallow in a bit of self pity this morning, my dog convinced me to get up and take him to the park.


Bottom Line...NEXT! (thanks Annie)


Sorry if this question annoyed anyone.



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heheh - no. It's just that there's no point in analyzing a situation in which you weren't the "guilty" party or whatever. Assuming your photo was truthful, and that you haven't been trying to get him to join your cult, there's no rational reason that he would not show up. And why bother thinking about things that don't make sense?

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