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Alcohol question

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It depends on many things:


1. Your body weight.


2. How much you've had to eat that day.


3. The type of drink it is.


4. Your 'tolerance'.


5. How fast you drink it.


16% alcohol is roughly the same as a glass of wine. If I haven't had much to eat, I can feel the affects after one or two glasses. There are too many factors to consider though to give a solid answer.

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Also the more you drink, the more drunk you get. Sometimes you can be drunk, but never do certain things often associated with being drunk. or you can feel fine, but others notice you are drunk.


Hahaha! that's kinda funny actually, because the person would swear he's acting completely norlmal, but he obviously isn't. On the other hand, terrible things happen sometimes... So it isn't very funny...

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Oh alright. If it's roughly as wine, then I've got an idea of how it is then. Thanks and best wishes.


PS: now, I'm not gonna try to get drunk, lol.


I am wondering: what other alcholic beverages have 16% alchol, but are not wine? What exactly are you planning on drinking???

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dont drink alot in under a hour, Ive been so drunk and passed out that the cops were called and i was arrested for underage consumsion of alcahol, at age 15. If u drink for the hell of getting drunk i recomend taking shots of more pur alcahol instead of bear, but do it in the provacy of ur own home adn dont get caught




love is seen with the heart, not with your eyes

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In an hour? At 140 lbs? There's a chart somewhere.... you can probably find it online... but I'm going to guess 2. Teens and people that don't drink often don't always realize that it doesn't take that much alcohol to alter your judgement or body functions.


I've known teenage girls that would be "tipsy" after one drink.... and not much of one at that. My ex husband SWORE that 4 drinks only gave him a buzz but he was usually drunk. Drinking socially is fine, but be aware of who you are with and your personal tolerance level. If you aren't sure of what that is.... err on the side of caution. Drink less, not more.

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I am wondering: what other alcholic beverages have 16% alchol, but are not wine? What exactly are you planning on drinking???


I'm not planning on drinking anything. I just wanted to know... it's a long and boring story... I don't drink (unless it's christmas or new years eve). It's bad for your health, and this teacher once said that one night of hard drinking could make an athlete go back like 2 months of training. In other words, he lost whatever he gained in 2 months. So, I'm definitively no athlete, and I don't wanna immagine what it would do to me then, lol.

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