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There is this girl i like from my school and i've been talkin to her on aim for a while now. I only talk to her for like 45min a day cuz she doesnt go on aim much. I really like talking to her and it seems like she likes to talk to me cuz she tells me stuff about herself, and what she did that day and asks me how im doing and what i did that day but im not completely sure that she does. One of my friends told me I should take the next step and giver her my # and ask her if she would want to call me sometime because he says it would give her some space and I wouldnt have to freak out tryin to dial her #. So i have two questions. 1. Do u think she would be interested in me? and 2. If you think she is, then how should i ask her to call me? Please help me!!!!

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well she may be interested and if she is then just talk to her and be like hey u wanna call me sumtin like when ur like goin ot leave or sumtin and if she says ok just tell her it and she may call if not thats ok maybe she just wants to continue with friendships dont worry bout wut she'll think aight cuz that will haunt u then just forget bout that and suck it up and just say hey u wanna call me sometime and maybe go out to a move or pizza or sumtin and if she says yes dont make her pay aight she would be ur guest lol sounds like common sense and it is but some ppl dont know

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hey word up jose, heh I can almost say im in the same situation. Except that I am completely sure she likes me hehehe. I stay awake real late to talk to her everyday. I suggest you give her your number thats a nice way of makin the thing, or find something you can only tell on the phone and ask for her #. It's been awhile since you two talked, you have nothing to stressed with be yourself and all will be just perfect.


peace out jose


Jeff l. Spiegel

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