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How do u know if someone likes u, should i ask him?

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I guess this is like the most common question u guys answer.

I have a problem, and i can't stop thinking about it, i can't concentrate anywhere.

Once i met a guy, because he was my friend's friend, he was interesting, so somehow i found out that he liked me, but then i tried to ask him and he looked at me like never thought about it. So i started getting closer to him and getting to know him in a better way.

Later on, a friend of mine told him that i liked him, and asked him what he thought about it, his answer: "i don't think she likes me"

So i made sure he knew from there on, i called him twice that weekend, we usually hang out during school.

I managed to make him my friend, and then showed him that he was my closer friend, i always told my girl-friend he would learn how to appreciate me. So, nowadays, we hang out together, the whole time, and he calls me and we ask each other where we are at, like couples, BUT WE HAVE NOTHING GOING ON!!

Even my class peers think we are a couple, teachers think the same too, but we are not!! the guy flirts w/ me way too much, and we treat each other like acouple, or like siblings....

I don't know what to do, if to ask him if he likes me: I've told him, several times, that some ppl think he is my bf, and he only says: "that is hilarious". Last time i had an important activity at school, and i told him he had to stay and spend time with me there, he said he promissed he would, and then i told him i was taking classes during summer, he said he wanted the same classes and to take the same classes w/ him.

And then when we do smthg without him he always complains and tells me that i never call him and that i should have picked him up at his house.

SO I REALLY DUNNO WHT'S GOING ON!!! we areeven making plans for summer. We got used to ourselves in a bad way. My friends say i don't spend time w/ them, but then we have nothing going on!!!!!!

Even when my girl-friend tells him that he shuld just ask me out, and that we wouldn't be on top of each other, he only says : yeah, we shhould really do that.......


I DUNNO WHAT TO DO ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!! I really need help

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hmm..ok i have had friends in this situation..


Honestly its hard for a guy to tell his feelings to a girl..But it shouldnt be to hard if you guys are really close like your saying..


To sum things up quick..U should spend time with him this weekend, and say.. ''so whats the deal? are we boyfriend/girlfriend.. do u see me that way, i sure do.'' get him comfortable with him letting his emotions out ..an intimate spot like the movies is good to do this at !!


good luck..btw i think its really um 'cute' of whats goin on with u 2.. lol i dunno what else to replace with 'cute' but it really is haha!

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omg, thanx a ton, noone had given me such an advice. U've been great help,

but u know there are always problems, he lives too far away, and talking about spending the weekend w/ him, he just invited me to go to the beach w/ him on saturday. But that is smthg impossible. And then again will it be the same, ?? will we have the same fun we are having now, if we become a couple? I think this is what we are afraid of.

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I know what you are going thorugh, a girl and i have an eerily similar situation. Any hoo, if you really know that you like him and can feel it inside like only you know you can. If you can't stop thinking about him then tell himl. i am sure he will be surprised, but judging by what you have said he will take it well. Tell him what Powerful said, that is better than any advice i coulod give you. But do it before you run out of time. do it in person and be confident. Well what are you waiting for? go ,go , go

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Usually guys doubt that a girl likes them, most of the time it's because he thinks your really attractive or something like that, or you hang out with too much other guys and not enough time with him. But like p0w3rfUl said, it's hard for a guy to express his feelings towards a girl it takes a lot of bravery and confidence.

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