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my friends a druggy; help!

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one of my best friends has a drug problem. shes had it for a while, but its just now starting to get really bad. a few months ago she had an overdose, and had to go to the hospital. afterwards, she quit. as far as i knew she was clean for two weeks, but as i found out today it was more like two days. she started using very heavily, like pot, cocain, crack, and every once in a while acid. also after the o.d., she started hanging out more with some sophomores and juniors who use alot. by now though, they're all clean, except for every once in a while. my friend is completely addicted though. she sneaks around in between classes to get a hit, she snorts off of the dashboard, she always looks like crap, shes not taking care of herself and its almost become unsanitaryand depressing to be around her. apparently, shes just going home, getting stoned, going to sleep, waking up getting stoned, goes to school, without shower or changing clothes. im really worried about her, she left school early today with a fever of 101 degrees, and i dunno if shes ok. please help.

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That is a tought situation. Where does she get the money for drugs at 15-16 years old? How does she get them? Are her parents involved in her life? I would tell her parents if she is using crack, coke, etc. You cannot handle this by yourself, nor should you be encouraged or expected to.

If you are not comfortable telling her folks, tell a teacher you trust, or a parent of a close friend, or a youth counsler. DO NOT keep this to your self. Your friend is on a very self distructive path, and drugs and addiction are only one facet of it.

Also, know that you cannot help her until she is ready to get some serious help. If I were you, I would also consider distancing yourself from that friendship for some time---you never know what else she is invoved with to support this habit


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you really need to tell someone about your friend. you could be saving a life. be there for her and offer your support, i'm sure she/he could use your support. find this person some help if you can! she really needs it.


visit this site, it can help you.

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if youre from the UK, visit this site

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