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I have a question I need answered...

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Is it normal to shake during an orgasm? Like, I build up, and then I start shaking. Is it normal?


Another question. Do you usually feel like you cant stand after an orgasm? That happened to me the other night.


Last one, I promise. I often feel sleepy after an orgasm. Is this normal? If so, why?

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1. You use energy so yes


2. well I mean, it's hard because something hard was in fact up there


3. Again, a lot of energy- it wears you out (hey, good for insomniacs!)


Lastly, yes i'm 14 and still a virgin (dont worry lol) I'm not talking from experience here. Just from what I've learned...



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Now, mind you, this is just an odd website I came accross while surfing around, and I am NOT advocating or endorsing these theories, but for what it`s worth, the following did seem to relate to what you are talking about. As for me, I agree with Blue Angel...she and I must read the same books!

This website is link removed, and YES, it is odd...but living in Japan has taught me never to discount Eastern medicine, so I won`t!!




"Chinese Sexual Bible "Suu Nu Ching" and the oldest medical textbook "The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine", also known as "Huang Ti Nei Ching", about 5000 years ago.

Here is an important passage you should know


Passage on Over-Ejaculation and Over-masturbation--------

Rainbow Girl (the 2nd Emperor's Sexual Advisor) asked : As we know, a man experiences great pleasure upon ejaculation. But, why will he start to restrain ejaculation after he learns the Tao of Love (the Yin-Yang Harmonization of Sexual union)? Does reduction of his ejaculation frequency diminish his sexual pleasure?

Peng-Tze (the Emperor's Medical Doctor) Answred: Not at all. After ejaculating, he feels tired and exhausted, his hearing becomes buzzing, his vision is blurred (with eyefloaters), his eyelids get heavy, he is thirsty, his limbs, muscles and ligaments lose strength, and he longs for sleep. He just enjoys a brief moment of sensational pleasure upon ejaculation, followed by long hours of wearisome, weakness and exhaustion. This is not a true sexual pleasure.



This is to tell people that they should not have excessive ejaculation or orgasms that can burn down the brain and nervous functions.

I outlined the sexual exhaustion symptoms in

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Well, umm, maybe so...who`s to say? My brain seems just fine so far...LOL.


Incidentally, the good doctor also advocates regular daily sex to keep the body in good running order...but he does seem to say that just because some is good doesn`t mean more is better...plus he is flogging [no pun intended, but there is one there, isn`t there?] all kinds of pills and potions.


Anyway, for what it`s worth...just take it as data, another interesting perspcetive...don`t want to scare anyone. From a Western medicine perspective, I`m pretty sure that Blue Angel`s advice is what you`d hear.

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umm i know that when i had my first orgasm i was trembling quite a bit...i think all of this is normal, remember, all women are different sexually. but i'm done talking about this now because i don't feel like i should be talking to a 14 year old about this stuff......sorry, not judging, just my opinion.

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okay... listen. Just for those who have not seen my other posts, I am a virgin. I find sex before marriage moraly wrong. So, for the few of you who think that I am sexualy active, I'm not. I'm not being rude or anything, just informative



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There is no normal. You are perfectly fine. An orgasm is a build up of energy, this quaking is an exertion of said energy. All in all, you're simply having marvelous orgasms. Anyone would be thrilled to participate in such an event.


Not very many people are able to leap up after orgasm. Although, why would you want to? Would you really like to go run a few miles after an amazing back massage? This is a reason masturbation is recommended to curb insomnia.


Lastly, yes i'm 14 and still a virgin (dont worry lol) I'm not talking from experience here. Just from what I've learned...



There is no such thing as virginity, and one should try to only speak from personal experience. Moreover, you cannot define sex. thereforeeee, gain experience-find your clitoris and masturbate.

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hey i can completely respect the fact that you want to remain a virgin until marriage, i mean i am still a virgin too. i am just saying that you seem so young to even kow what an orgasm feels like, even if you had one through masturbation. i guess it just seems like teens these days are growing up a lot faster than we did when i was 14. i never even bagan to explore my sexuality until i was 16...maybe its because i am from a small town...who knows...

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lady star, I honestly think it depends on the person. Thinking back to junior high, some of my classmates were very mature, some not. I think it is probably better to let people decide for themselves as long as they are doing it naturally and not being coerced. I would even venture to say that, while some people are coerced into having sex too young, others are coerced into avoiding it too long...the "too" in this case being not MY judgement, but based on what would be ideal for them as individuals.


Sex can heal or hurt. Same with avoiding sex...there is a cost to that, too...and there are whole realms of sexy or sexual activity on the way to full sexual involvement. Maybe more young people are choosing to admit sexual feelings and explore in various ways without jumping straight into fullthrottle sex...that could be what you find surprising, but it could also be a very sensible choice for them. As long as people (whatever age) get informed, weigh the options and decide for themselves, you can`t ask much more. JMHO, as always.

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hey i can completely respect the fact that you want to remain a virgin until marriage, i mean i am still a virgin too. i am just saying that you seem so young to even kow what an orgasm feels like, even if you had one through masturbation. i guess it just seems like teens these days are growing up a lot faster than we did when i was 14. i never even bagan to explore my sexuality until i was 16...maybe its because i am from a small town...who knows...


Sonograms depict masturbation. There is no 'appropriate' age at which to begin masturbating. If a young lady begins to menstruate at age 13, why would she wait until age 16 to masturbate? The majority of people experience their first orgasm solo.


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Everyone masturbates, get over yourself

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Sonograms depict masturbation. There is no 'appropriate' age at which to begin masturbating. If a young lady begins to menstruate at age 13, why would she wait until age 16 to masturbate? The majority of people experience their first orgasm solo.


Everyone masturbates, get over yourself




okay, first of all, i never said that there is an appropraite age at which people should begin to masturbate and i never said that most people experience their first orgasm with a partner. second, i competely agree that it depends on the person. i personally believe that young teens are trying to grow up too fast this day in age. thus, i believe that exploring your sexuality and your sexual nature is a huge part of growing up and it seems that more and more young people are doing this at an increasingly younger age. i am not implying that a 14 year old should not be masturbating i am just saying that it snocks me to find so many other 14 and 15 year olds here that are being sexually intimate so early in their lives. i also think that a certain level of maturity is needed for responsible sexual behavior and the majority of the people i know that age are no where near mature enough to be in such adult and sexual relationships.- call me old fashioned i guess.


no offense, but i really don't appreciate being told to "get over myself" just for voicing my opinion. i think my comments are being taken completely out of context. i am not judging anyone here and i can respect the fact that everyone matures at different speeds.

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okay, first of all, i never said that there is an appropraite age at which people should begin to masturbate and i never said that most people experience their first orgasm with a partner.

i am just saying that you seem so young to even kow what an orgasm feels like, even if you had one through masturbation. i guess it just seems like teens these days are growing up a lot faster than we did when i was 14. i never even bagan to explore my sexuality until i was 16...maybe its because i am from a small town...who knows...


I've already been over why she's not so young to even know what an orgasm feels like-the 'even through masturbation' alludes to it being abnormal to experience one without a partner.


second, i competely agree that it depends on the person. i personally believe that young teens are trying to grow up too fast this day in age. thus, i believe that exploring your sexuality and your sexual nature is a huge part of growing up and it seems that more and more young people are doing this at an increasingly younger age. i am not implying that a 14 year old should not be masturbating i am just saying that it snocks me to find so many other 14 and 15 year olds here that are being sexually intimate so early in their lives. i also think that a certain level of maturity is needed for responsible sexual behavior and the majority of the people i know that age are no where near mature enough to be in such adult and sexual relationships.- call me old fashioned i guess.


....aaaand yet again you refer to this girl being sexual intimate with another person when she is just talking about masturbation. And, to bring up a moot point (though I don't think you clicked the link I provided above...) masturbation is a life long thing. Just as you massage your own neck at all ages, if you've a clitoris-you're bound to massage it.


And the majority of people YOUR age are no where near mature enough to be in an adult sexual relationship. Call me common sensical I guess


no offense, but i really don't appreciate being told to "get over myself" just for voicing my opinion. i think my comments are being taken completely out of context. i am not judging anyone here and i can respect the fact that everyone matures at different speeds.


And you've just judged her entire age group. To conclude:

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okay, i really think this is getting a bit childish. i was NOT juddging anyone, i was simply stating my opinion, and i'm pretty sure i am alowed to do that. also, i never said that people my age are even mature enough to be in adult relationships. you say that i am alluding to things but i think you are the one alluding and putting words in my mouth. i fully understand that she is not talking about being sexually active with a partner and i am in no way saying that it is abnormal to masturbate or else the whole world would be abnormal, and that wouldn't make much sense now would it.

to conclude, i think that maturity matters over age, and obviously if you are going to keep bickering with me over such a petty little discussion board then, thats not very mature is it...

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