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I need some advice about a girl that broke up w\me

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I went out with this girl her name was nicole for like 3 months and we absolutley hit it off pretty good.well after that time she started talking less and less on the phone.I fell in love with her eyes and her face i loved her personality b\c whenever i had a bad day she was always there to comfort me.About every two weeks i call her and shes going out with a different guy each time.so im confused she tells me to call her all the time and wants to see me. do you think that i am just one of those many guys she talks to? I think it's stupid b\c if i dont talk to her for like 3 months she wants to go back out with me but things will go fine for like a week and then she dumps me. Should i leave her alone completely? Youre advice is greatly appreciated! 8)

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hey man,


i understand your hurt, and confused but this girl obviously does not feel the same way you feel about her, ive been in a similar situation and its tough because ur hurt and confused and it seems that she does not understand you. if you want her back maybe try talking to her in person, sitting down and having a seriouse conversation, telling her how you feel. if she understands where you are coming from she will tell you straight whether or not she feels the same. maybe she will realise that you are what she wants afterall.


Good luck



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Girls are confusing.....i'd know that, because i am one! But this girl is playing ya, and no matter how much you dont wanna hear that! what she is requesting from you is a mockery of a relationship! And obviously you're crazy about this girl, but i have never once met a girl who doesnt like talking! I absolutetly LOVE it when my boyfriend calls me! It shows me he cares, and if this girl is going out with other guys, but is still persistent in wanting to do things with you, then she wants a friendship out of the ordeal, she wants the whole "friends with benifits" type thing! which, no matter what you think, that is definetly not stable ground, especally if you care about her alot so dont go the route, because that would be like you basically telling her she can use you! Which is what it seems like your on the verge of doing now! This situation might be different if you were not that infatuated with her, but since you are, there is only one thing i can tell you to do, and even though this is probably way easier said than done, forget her! if she doesnt care enough about your feelings even, then she's is not worth it! Find a girl that is into you and only you! You'll be fine, and if ya need to talk, email me or something k? buh byerz!

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