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Probably a long shot.... but maybe this is a sign?

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Ok awhile back I was in a class and there was this girl that sat in front of the class with me in the back and she didn't really show any signs of attraction, but whenever I would smile (if somebody was talking about me and she turned around to look at me) she would smile back. Anyways one day we were playing Seven Up.


*Seven up is a game where a few people are chosen and go up to the front of the class. The rest of the people have to close their eyes and put their heads on their desks while putting one of their thumbs up on the desk. Then the people standing around randomly push one of the thumbs down and once they've all chosen someone they go back to the front and everyone opens their eyes. Then you get one chance to guess who picked you, if you get it right you switch spots with the chooser and the game continues et...*


Anyways at one point she was up and I was with my eyes closed and later on I guessed correctly that she had picked me. The game continued for awhile and she ended up picking me twice (not in a row though). Anyways after awhile I got tired of playing and when everybody was supposed to put their hands down and shook my head like "no". Then the girl totally got mad or something and was all like "you dont wanna play? fine forget it" or something along those lines. This happened awhile ago so I don't remember her exact words, but what struck me was how mad she got, she didn't just shrug it off like whatever, it was like she took it personally or something. I don't think I was the only one to notice it either, since the class was pretty quiet when she said it and everyone was looking at her.


So what do you guys/girls think of this??

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Well Bro, i think u frustated her by ur reply. Supposedly Picking u up twice was a sign from her that she's interested in u and wanna know u further.And she might had thought u would understand.

But saying NO u made her go through the embarrasement, in front of whole class.And that's why she became mad on you.


My suggestion to you is if u want this girl, then u need to sort out this issue.And the best was is by talking to her.Let her say whatever she's got and after she's done make ur point patiently.

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