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So confused. Three words, then it's gone!

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I don't know what to do. My exboyfriend, whom I have known for four years, has just broken up with me. We were always so close, and I have always liked him. We started going out on Tuesday, May 2, but he broke up with me. He told me he loves me, and I really do love him. But then he tells me I'm taking things too seriously. Then just breaks up with me! I told him that I want to slow things down just abit, then this happens. Do you think it was because I don't want to sleep with him? Please reply...

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Yes. I have told him that I have pledged abstenence... he told me he did too, but all he ever talks about is sex! He said that guys look forword to the first time they kiss, touch a butt, and the first time they have sex. He told me he was a virgin, but I do not believe him. I am, and I have never even kissed someone. But he lets out hints that he expects it from me! I don't know what to do!

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Don't ever let anybody force you into such a strong decision just so you keep them! That is wrong. If he is breaking up with you so he can either force you to have sex with him or wants to have sex with someone else, well just let him go right ahead.


Your virginity is yours, make sure you are proud and honoured to give it up to the person you do decide to have sex with... because you can never get it back. It is your decision and no one elses, no matter how much you love them.

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Mythica, being a young guy who hasn't pledged abstenence, I can say that some guys (alot actually) find sex a big deal in a relationship and it may be a reason for the sudden breakup. I could not imagine being in such a long relationship without sex, but that is just way my life works.


It's a bit strange that he would feel this way if he has also pledged, but you said you might not believe him, and you would know that better than anyone else.


What everyone here has said is the best advice you could possibly have at this stage. Don't you dare let anyone change the important things in you life.


Take it from me, you'll regret it longer than any happyness sex will ever provide.

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I agree. For you to pledge abstinence must mean it is very important to you to remain a virgin until marriage (or the right guy comes along). You only lose your virginity once, and the decision to give it up against your will or under pressure will haunt you long after you forget this guy's name.

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