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Help me please

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As the topic says I need help with something. There's this girl I like (and have liked for probably half of a year now.) I'm pretty sure she liked me before and I pretty much wussed out when it came to approaching her. I'm not sure if she likes me anymore but I've been trying to get over her and its not working. So pretty much I have no idea what to do and I could really use some help.

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First off, do you still "like" her?


Chances are she does like you and is only trying to get over you. If you still have feelings for her, then tell her...that is the only way. It sounds so much easier said then done, but consider this: if you are wanting more from your relationship with her then you need to be able to talk about it. Hinting around and waiting for the clues that she does or doesn't like you can only put a strain on your friendship and cause a lot more confusion then needed. Good luck!

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Yeah man, if you really like this girl then dont let her go so easily. Man-up and let her know that u like her. Ask her out, dont necessarily come right out and say it, that can seem a little abrasive and needy.


Its not over until its over.

- Yogi Berra

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Man strike up a conversation with her. Become reaqquainted with her and if you still feel the same way. ask her out. Life is too short to spend wasting time wondering if a girl likes you. Believe you me, time is fleeting.

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I'm sorry but I probably should have mentioned why approaching her and striking up a conversation is going to be hard for me. When we first met she was the one that introduced herself to me and we gradually became friends but she liked me (I don't know if it was before or after we met) and when I ended up telling her I just liked her as a friend that was the last time she talked to me.

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