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latley my heart has been goin really fast like everytime i check my pulse its like 130 and im goin to the doctors but i wanna kno if ne1 knos nething about this soo i have an idea of what im gettin into at the doctors im 15 and i didnt kno i had this problem till just teh other day....any ideas?

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Hi Love,


What you are experiencing is called tachycardia, which means "fast heart rate, over the normal limits". A normal heart rate for an adult is 60-100 beats per minute, with younger adults and children being slightly higher than that, and can fluctuate with stress, exercise (including short term activity like running up a flight of stairs), caffeine or nicotine use, (other drug use), sleep, etc. 130 is a little high, but I wonder if now you are feeling anxious when you check your pulse because you think something is wrong and that stress might be increasing your heart rate each time you check it.


Your doctor will probably give you a checkup and talk with you about it and then decide what to do. They may want to monitor your heart rate for an extended amount of time (several hours to a day), which they can do by sending you home with a cardiac monitor called a Holter Moniter, or in the hospital. There are medications in the form of pills that you can take a home to slow your heart rate, if it is a problem.


For now, I wouldn't worry too much about it, my guess is you are probably just fine, but it is not a bad idea to have it checked out by your doctor just to make sure.

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I wouldn't worry about it too much. I don't know all of the story but did you change your diet or are on any medication? If you did recently and your heart rate increased recently that could be a reason. Or of course as was previously mentioned: anxiety.


I wouldn't worry whatever it is until the doctor gives a diagnosis. My mum had a heart murmur for years while she was in her teens and she is perfectly fine now and living to a ripe age.

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i went to the doctor and they dont kno whats rong with me ive been watchin what i eat and i dont have caffiene ne more but the doctors have to too soo many tests and im scared bcuz i have horrible pains in my chest and everything and its kinda scary but that you all for ur responses

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Hey Love,


I'm glad you went to the doctor and please keep us updated after you have your tests and let us know what happens!


In the meantime try not to worry too much, stress will just complicate your condition, whatever the case is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey every1 i just wanted to update u all on my heart thing.....i had a few tests done and they all showed up good until i went back today and they did an echo gram which is a liek a sanagram of the heart and tehy found 2 leakages in my heart and now i ahve to wear this monitor soo they can figure out what tehy have to do and im kinda scared bcuz if this doesnt fix its self im gonna need surgery but i just wanted to update u guys

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