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I don't understand why everytime I feel depressed, I shun away from human company. I wonder if this is weird? And since I need to be around people for school and others, I feel so pressured. That's when I start saying and doing things I don't mean and things that I will regret later on.

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hey there kiddo, no you're not weird. it's something that more people deal with than you think, myself included. the thing is, i'm guessing that people like us would feel guilty if we let somebody else in on our problems. but see, that's not really how it is. i personally under-estimated the good nature of people. when you get depressed or feel down like you said, what you need to do is just think of one person (somebody you're somewhat close with) and just open up a little with them. i mean, don't go spillin' your guts right off, just give a little bit. just to get a little off your chest, ya know? you'll find it feels incredible just to breathe a little fresh air, and you know what? they might feel good too. it's REALLY saying something when somebody else views you as somebody to confide in. but whatever you do, just don't bottle it up inside, cuz then you'll pop like a siv and start doing things and saying things that you might regret later. this is a good way of getting ahead of your problems before they can build up and get out of hand.

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This is VERY common. I do it ALL the time.


Sometimes, if you are emotional, you just want to be all alone and think for awhile. This happens all the time, especialy to us girls...


MOOD SWINGS will happen now and then. If you do something you might regret, your family and friends will forgive you in the future




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