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What to do with lips?

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Hi, I'm 13 and have never kissed a girl before and I was wondering what do i do with my lips while we are kissing? I know I'm suppose to keep them slightly parted, but do I open and close them a little or move my lips around any? I heard you are suppose to move them in a circular motion?

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Oh Kissing one of my favorite pass times!!


Id say to start off, keep it simple, keep lips together or slightly parted, make kiss gentle, not hard jaw breaking like you see on TV or the movies.


tilt your head a little to the side, so you dont bump noses.


i like putting my hand on her shoulder or just lightly on the side or back of her head.


A kiss is not a peck, so put your lips together keep them there for at least a couple seconds, when your finished, and you pull away slowly, look right in her eyes, smile, and tell her Wow, that was wonderful.!


later with experience, and as you become more comfortable, you can experiment with all the other things.


I have to thank Terri for teaching me how to be a great kisser when i was 12 and she 13, Terri wherever you are, thanks!!

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i think i might be of a little help. alright, first off make sure its the right moment. um...sorta like...catch her off guard. some girls like that. others like it when you sorta move forward and stop....then after a second of looking into her eyes go for a kiss. you can have your mouth slightly open but not too much

when you are kissing if it is your first kiss with her take it slow. then work your way towards making out later. if you are gonne make out then, start off with a regular kiss and as you keep kissing each time open your mouth more and more. then....well you know what to do. you dont have to move your lips in a circular motion.

kissing isnt hard once you have done it a few times. it comes naturally. believe me i know. im 14 and i kiss guys a lot. good luck. and oh yeah eNjOy!

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Thanks for the tips, also should i use any head movement while we are kissing ? and I'm still not clear about when were making out should I open and close my mouth and make it into a series of kisses instead of just one long kiss? I know I sound stupid but the girl that I'm dating has alot more kissing experience than me and i want to get it right thanks for the advice.

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you can turn your head as much as you want. just try to keep it around the same area. like dont be all over the place. chicks dont really like that. you can keep it short, or you can make it long. one long kiss or many kisses. it doesnt matter. just have fun and dont go too far. good luck

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