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College almost over, will i miss the chance?

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Well lets try to make this short. Theres a girl in one of my classes, im pertty sure she around my age, of course im attracted to her, and im fairly sure shes attracted to me, she looks over at me during class alot, but she never lets me catch her, i hope thats a sign.Usually im good at reading people but shes a hard one. Anyway theres 2 weeks left and college is done for 3 months. Here is the problem, im wondering if i should make a move on her? I live in montana during the summer and i think she mentioned something about her living in Utah, but we don't talk much. I don't want to miss the chance of finding love, but i don't want to feel selfish by making a move and having her feel like she can't have the fullest summer vacation. Oh what to do? If only two weeks felt like two months.

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Talk to her man. Do it. And what do you know, it might even lead up to you 2 having a great summer together. If you even get the gut feeling that your not even sure if she's attracted because you get mixed signals, most likely she is, go chat her up, like Riley said, DON'T miss the chance! You will regret it!

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