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laughing at him...what's the message?

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So lets say your a guy and you know this chick is really into you, but she's obviously shy. You're attracted to her and you let her know by checking her out and meeting her eyes and grinning on pretty much a regular basis. So what would you think if one day she sees you checking her out and she drops her head kinda smiles and laugs out loud, shakes her head, shows a bit of frustration then looks back and smiles?

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I pretty much think its a sign.


I doubt she would be fustrated with you unless you were looking straight at her breasts. soo.

Maybe you picked up a wrong sign?


If she was actually fustrated it was probably because she thinks your acting like a pervert?


Talk to her and ask her out for coffee, and before you know it, voilla, a relationship will arise.

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She's either annoyed because you are checking her out or is annoyed because you are only checking her out.


Be optimistic, assume it's the latter and go talk to her.

yeah you got it...thass riiight!!


I'm a girl wondering if that would work on this guy I want to ACTUALLY FREAKIN TALK TO ME!!!

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Here's the thing...IT IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE!!! The sexual tension is so thick the only thing I could do to communicate how I feel towards him would be to throw him up against the wall and ravage him. This is sorta absurd I know, but it's how I feel. It's his fault, I think he's messing with my head on purpose.

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If you really believe he is strongly into you then say to him "I would like to throw you up against the wall and ravage you!!"


Say it wiith a smile and see what he says.


Double dare you 8) 8)

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hmmm? I'm hardly that bold a person, but...hmmm...yeah that would be one hell of an ice breaker wouldn't it?


Yep, ice would turn to boiling point in zero seconds.


But the point is that sometimes guys are shy and need more than body language to get them moving. So find an excuse to talk to him, ask him if he'd like to buy you a coffee. You can take the initiative - you are a modern woman, after all.


Go on, you can do it.

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I would sorta like him to think of me more than a good time, ya know...not that the thought hasn't crossed my mind, backed up crossed again, done cartwheels and so on....


He is not shy, he is in a band, he is however pretty quiet at work...probably has tons of girls drooling over him in much the same way I am. I think he just knows how to work it and likes to get me all hot...cuz I can't hide it, lord knows I've tried..I've known plenty of guys like him, but he's just got a little something extra. And furthermore...i've had a thing for this guy for a long time, even before I knew he was in a band...but why is it that I always fall for guys in bands>...I can't figure that one out. Last guy I dated that was in a band-- had Rock Star fantasies...tons of girls trying to get on...to put it plainly it was pathetic. I was so in love with this guy...what did he do? He dumped me for some other chick. Broke my heart into a million little fragmented pieces. I didn't even know this guys was in a band...what's with that...Geesh.

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Oh yeah, question for women, if girls give you like signs but won't talk to you A LOT or actually much (like a few times) and can't look at you too long, like if their's a lot of signs, then she talks to you a few times (you don't know her much and she initiates) and then she stops, is that good?

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