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Well, in case you haven't read my other post, my bf told me last night that he had cheated on me 4 months ago. Tonight( in about 1 hour) I am going to see him and we're gonna decid what to do. He says that he thinks we should take a break( which for me pretty much means break up, but it's like he's trying to put it in nicer words. Usually when couples take breaks do they saty together after or just end the relationship?). I love him so much and I think that I am willing to give it a second chance( but that is only if he wants it too ). I am afraid that we will break up tonight.

For the past 5 months, I have learned to depend on him( eventhough I know that I shouldn't) and there seems to be quit a bit of space that has built up between me nad my friends. If me and my bf break up tonight, I have no one to talk to. I feel so alone. I don't know what to do. Last night I cut for the 1st time in months. I'm scared. Does anyone have some advice or anything?


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ok, well it depends, yes most relationships i have experinced or noticed have ended, but not always for good. Second if there is a gap between your friends and you, bc you spend so much time with your bf, you should probably check your priorities, im not sure how old you are, but if your no where near the age to be getting married having a relationship with a guy, that will not last shouldnt be your main priority.(and yes if your not at the age to get married, then your relationship will not last.sorry)

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Well I would have to say if he has cheated on you in the last 4 months and now he wants to take a break I am guessing he wants to breakup with you so he can date someone else. If he tells you it is just taking a break then he can come back if it don't workout I would take it as a breakup, I know probably not what you wanted to hear but I think it would be really hard to trust him after the fact that he cheated on you. If I were you I would move on I know its not as easy as it sounds but if I can divorce my wife of 13 years for cheating on me you can do it too.

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For the past 5 months, I have learned to depend on him( eventhough I know that I shouldn't) and there seems to be quit a bit of space that has built up between me nad my friends. If me and my bf break up tonight, I have no one to talk to. I feel so alone. I don't know what to do. Last night I cut for the 1st time in months. I'm scared. Does anyone have some advice or anything?


"Foresight teaches gently, error brutally" You harvested what you sowed.


Now it all depends how you look at things. You should see this as a great learning opportunity not to start being dependent on someone else. As for the reason why, you stated them yourself.


There's also one more thing about being dependent. Men, most if not all the men I know, consider dependent women extremely unattractive. I know some guy who dumped some really hot girl because she was so dependent all the time.


Good luck, may this be a lesson for the future. Might as well learn something now or you're gonna have to go through this again and again until you understand.


O. M.

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I am sorry about what you are going through at the moment. From your post I gather that you are maybe young?


Please do not resort to cutting yourself for what is beyond your control. Remember that you have done nothing wrong.


Sometimes relationships work and sometimes they don't; I guess this is all part of dating. Don't let anyone treat you badly as you deserve the best. This may look bad at the moment but you will realise that maybe this guy wasn't the right person for you which will thereforeeee allow you to find that special one.


Hang in there, things do get better and concerntrate on rebuilding your friendship with your friends. t/c.

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