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Virginity at certain ages

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Isnt really bad to be 19 and a virgin? People make it seem like its an awful thing. Also Ive never been in a serious relationship so people are always saying when are you getting a boyfriend? Are you a lesbian? Why would people think Im a lesbian? Thye've never seen my try to get with a girl or anything like that. I just think thats odd.

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No it's definitally not a bad thing at all, just unlikely. People at that age seem to think something is wrong with you, like you aren't ABLE to do the deed. Do not listen to them. I don't have sex with anyone that I am not in a serious relationship with, and I think it's a great thing. Sex is a major part of a relationship, if you are not in one, then it takes away.

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Isnt really bad to be 19 and a virgin?




Virginity its not something you have to lose only because your friends do so or only because you are at certain age.


Wait till you have a person to give it to, and a serious relationship and when you feel like doing it.


I also always only was into serious relationships.. not about having sex, i had my serious and first bf at 20,5 years old.


So dont listen to anyone, say its non of their business, you are happy with what you have and want.

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I really wanted to wait until I was married but I sometimes think that something will be missed if I do that. Most likely the guy I will marry wont be a virgin. He will be experienced and I wont. I dont know...It also seems like a long time to wait..even though I am not in a serious relationship it is soemthing i think about alot...alot of my friends are getting married...i couldnt imagine being married so young.

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Girl stop looking at everyone else- everyone else isn't YOU!! Don't have sex just because you think you are missing out on something- you aren't! Lol, yeah it's great and all, but you want it to be with the right person!


LOL. Thanks . your right. sounds dumb but I guess I never looked at it that way. I should stop looking at everyone else

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Dude, look at it this way, there is guys that are like 30 and haven't been in laid. Don't worry about it your 19, you have all of your 20's to look up to to get laid lol.


No offense I hate when people say that. Just b/c someone else has done something doesn't mean she has too. Also I hate the "you have all your life to get laid etc." Maybe she doesn't want to wait that long. I remember in middle school how people would say to me "oh you'll find somone." Heard it in HS and in college. Guess what I'm 24 2wks from today and I'll still be single never having had anything. So don't say "everything will be alright" when you don't know if it will or not.

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Don't listen to anyone else... follow your own heart...

Living your life to other's measures and other's expectations is a surefire way to be disappointed and hurt...

Sexuality is one of the most special and sacred encounters in life....

Yet our material world has debased it into a measurable act, a mechanical act... It has ingrained into our minds and hearts that unless we reflex our sexual organs by a certain age, then there is something wrong with us... And that we will never get anyone...

So people accross the world become obsessively eager to find a partner to experience sexuality with... Often settling for any partner... After a while, the 'magic' of the sexuality fades, and so often they believe they have 'fallen out of love'... But they have not, because love and lust are not one and the same... Even though many think they are...

And throughout their lives, they continue the same cycle, never really find true fulfilment...


The most important thing, is don't just settle for just anyone, just to experience sexuality with...

Peer pressure is hard, I know.... But do you really want to be around such imbeciles that resort to categorising people based on their sexual adventures? Let alone be affected by their opinions...

Sadly, many people of your age, these days, are focused on the instant gratification of all their desires, including sexuality...

Don't become one of them! When the times right, you will find someone, but don't rush it, don't feel you have to plunge straight in, take your time...

And never forget, sex without love is one of the coldest experiences in the world...

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volution, I respect your morals so much.




It is all about what you want. If you want to wait, then wait. True, the person you marry most likely won't be a virgin. But is that really important? Is it what matters most the fact that you two really love each other and will from that point on only be sleeping with each other? I too wish that I could find someone who is waiting until marriage. I think it's the most romantic thing of all, knowing that you each will only share that deep, initmate experience with each other for all of your life. If it happens, I'll be thankful. But if it doesn't, I'm not going to be upset. And I'm certainly not going to give in and do it if it volates my values.


You may be missing out on sleeping with other guys, but in the end think of all you will be gaining, being with the love of your life whom you have waited for all this time.

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I have a very dear friend who is 30(ish) who is still a virgin, and she's very pretty, not a lesbian... blah blah blah.


I'm the opposite, I've done this and that.


So, now with both sides shown, there is NOTHING wrong with being a virgin. Just be honest with yourself, your needs and your feelings. Virginity is more a state of mind than anything else. Treat it as something special and unique to you. Dont allow yourself to become pressured, and don't let it pressure you. That being said. Don't forget to love the most important person. That's you...

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I used to hear the same things- although being a guy instead of hearing 'are you a lesbian' it was 'are you gay?' Pretty frustrating, it's not like they saw me dating men, I was just lousy with women. Anyway, when I reached 25 or so and still nothing had happened, I realized I needed to wait for the woman I would marry. When I was 29, I finally knew who she was. If I screw up everything else in life, I know I did that part right. I heard all the bs, too, but I very much suggest that anyone in this situation to wait if possible ( it wasn't easy waiting that long). It was worth every minute.

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