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Let Me Rest In Peace... +

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like all good stories, and spiderman, this one starts with a girl.

in year 9 i sat next to a girl named rozi in maths and i thought she was a bit of a geek or whatever. we chatted a bit, and exchanged witty conversations insulting our maths teacher dr long. it was fun and at the end of the year i really liked her as a friend.

next year (10) we started gcse's and so we had 4 science lessons a week in the same class, as well as maths. by fluke she was sat next to me in physics and biology, and sort of near me in chemistry.

we had a lot of fun discussing childhoods, and funny things and lastly science. i really started liking her at this point. shes always coming up to me and telling me she loved me, and hugging me, but confusingly i think this was all in a friend way.

cut to- skate park year 11.

she looks me in the eyes and smiles a couple of times that night.

but maybe that was my doing i recently read this thing on the net about looking into girls eyes when ur talking... i dont know confusey

she also tells me that im cute in the cool guy way in the skate park, but then she goes and tries to get me to go out with her mate, who i dont even know

she invites me round her house a couple of times with her mates to hang out and watch tv and listent to music, no other boys were there, but i get the feeling she was just tryna stitch me up with her mates all the time. a a couple of times she asked me to take my top off and flex for her and her mates but that was just weird...

ok, cut to- beach party for end of year 11. im + 4 beers

im sick of her hugging me. i see her hug me but... i couldnt take ne more.

so i sing to her at the beach party, walking along the sea; "Rest in Peace" from buffy the musical episode, that spike sings to buffy. i tell her that i couldnt watch her walk out of my life without telling her how i felt, as this happened to me before and it sucked big time. she doesnt say ne thing. i told her that she didnt have to. and i left the beach party and she got back to flirting with older guys, although she has a bf.

where do i go from here? i wanna ask her how she feels about me cas she used to really like me (as a friend???

ne way she lives just round the corner and is still with her 18 yr old bf. but hes moving to wales to start uni at the end of the year and they might split up. do i ask her how she feels? do i keep on brooding till the feelings go away? do i chicken out of asking her how i feel cas i dont think i can be a good enough bf for her? cas i gotta face it, IM bored of my life...

and thus endeth the story. or should i be saying to be continued? hmmmm...

please offer helpfull and effective advice

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ok. this might take a while. ok she liked you. back then but i dont know about now. you might have lost her mate. shes probably long gone. but theres always hope. you should just blurt it out. tell her how you feel. ask her how she feels. if she doesn tfeel like she did then, well, you're out of luck and there are other fish in the sea. but at least try. ok?

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The fact that she's trying to hook you up with her mate means one of three things:


1. She sees good qualities in you for a bf, and thinks you should be with someone.


2. She likes you but doesn't want to think of you that way so she's trying to hook you up to move her feelings along.


3. Her mate likes you and she's trying to hook you two up.


I think she against a relationship at this point. That doesn't mean not in the future, but trying to push it now could drive her away. Maybe you should wait till her bf leaves.

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She knows you and knows where you live, she sees you all the time -- but she treats you like a really good friend, almost like a brother, but she has a boyfriend, it sounds like she loves her boyfriend differently than all the others that she comes into contact with.


The boyfriend is going to go away to school, but that doesn't give her free reign does it? They'll still be together on holidays and weekends occasionally.


You like this girl only because she has someone and for no other reason, if she broke up with her boyfriend for no other reason than to see you -- how would you feel then?


I think this boat is too far away now for you to catch it, it is drifting, while you remain in the harbor, with your engines on, but you can't let loose of your hold on the shore for now...drift on...let yourself free of whatever is holding you back...

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oh i hate this. its so hard. people are saying different things. i feel like giving up. i just miss her and i wish i never sang that bloody song. i tried to watch the sunrise this morning but there was bloody clouds in the way. im really tired and im just gonna say im a looooser and she wouldnt want me ne way. i just wish she was still my friend and i didnt go and sing that bloody song and ruin what we did have cas at least then when i thought of something funny or interesting i could tell her about it at school instead of thinking of how to put it to make her laugh in my head and realising that im never gonna talk to her again.

wen i first met her u know what i thought? i thought> man i really want this girl to be my willow. i need a friend like willow and i ballsed it up. i didnt balls it up when i sang to her i ballsed it when i started loving her. how would i even be good for her ne way ive got clinical depression. sure im getting pills for it but thats in about 2 weeks and every day i just feel like going to bed and staying there. or not getting up and staying there. is this what love is? huh-god? is it!? well ive got one thing to say

LOVE STINKS! u know like that song goes... oooooh stupid me...




sorry if this sounded like a winge im just sooooo bummed

i mean come on, the sun didnt rise and i even got there an hour early and waited for it. what sort of a crappy foreboding metaphore is that

im gonna go now those bloody emoticons are driving me mad doing the same thing over and over...

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You got stuck on someone else's girl, do you realize how common that is? You were hopeful in telling her, which I think is good, most people keep that to themselves.


Being depressed in itself is nothing to be ashamed of, but you need to do things different for a while, wake up early so that you readjust your internal clock to not be up late. Sleeping in is not good, it gives you too much productive time to waist.


Make plans for the future, find another girl, if there aren't enough things to do in England, come over here, we love new comers in the USA!


Write out your feelings in a notebook, and keep them secret. Don't keep things bottled up too much. The meds will help, but you need to "behave" your way to wellness, don't expect the meds to make things too different for you.

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