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please help, i am so confused :( - Part Two

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hey folks, this is a continuation of my old post here is the old post:


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ok here is what is going on, i had a talk with her last night and i just asked her, simple as this: i said: "Debra are you seeing any one else?" and she said that yes she was dating her ex along with me, and i said why did u not tell me that you were dating him? i told her if u had told me earlier that you were dating him as well as me, i would try not to get so close to you, and after 6 months i find out that you are dating him as well, i told her if u had told me earlier i would not be so attatched to you till now and i would not get so hurt as i am now.


I asked her if they were just talking or more than that, she said they are just talking, i am not sure if she was telling the truth or not i am not sure


So we decided to bring our relationship a little bit step down or to a lower level, i am just sick, i know that some people told me to break up with her, it is soooo hard, may be some here can help me with that


But this is what i have decided to do, i will not call her until she calls, or she gets in touch with me, i think if she gets in touch with me that might tell me something, does she really care about me or not, if she does not call me i will not call her and i will try to break up with her.


I am not sure what to do, i will just wait and see what happens, i have some cds that belong to her, i will send them back to her and i wanna see what her reaction is on that, if she calls me about it or something may be she cares about me, if not then i dont think she gives a **** about me


there is one more thing i really wanna thank all the people on link removed you all are like family to me every time i needed help i always got really good advice and you all have always made a difference in my life, i just dont know how to thank every one, i cant explain how much you all mean to me, i love you all!

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From what I have read it sounds like you need some serious rescuing from her. While i do agree with what others have said to break up with her, i know that it is much harder to do then just typing it out.


However the situation looks horribly unfair to you because it seems like you have put so much time, money and effort into this girl and even if she is cheating on you, it is you that is suffering and not her at the moment.


It is obvious that she certainly does not care enough about you to have hurt you so much. Her actions already tell you how much she cares.


Remember to love yourself and take care of yourself, first and foremost. I believe that she has already proven to you that she is not worthy of being loved from the way she treats you.


As hard as it may seem it is best to remove her from your life as clean as you can. Many people dont realise what they have until they lose it. Hopefully you will gather enough courage to move on without her, and by that time she will realise the horrible things that she has done...


But please try your best not to hurt yourself because of her actions. There is no need to punish yourself.


The same thing has happened to me and it took me forever to get over, and when i did, things didnt look so grim as i thought it was.

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The thing to do is to evaluate in your own mind whether this girl is making your life better or worse. Decide that and then you can decide what to do.


My own feeling is that if someone is making my life worse then I want nothing to do with them.

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