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getting fired for no reason so confused

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okay well here is the scoop i got hired at overwaitea on friday i didnt do well on the code test but they still hired me .. they gave me my paperwork and the whole deal and all my hours. i went to work my first shift today and they tell me i am not good enough like the test i took.. i didnt understand if it was bad then why did they hire me in the first place ... dose this sound reasonable to anyone cause it sure in the hell dosnt to me.. i am so angry.. should i like try to do something about this..

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I don't know what the circumstances of the test were but most places like this have non-contract employment, and who have a right to hire or fire a person for any reason within reason. (i.e. not discrimination for age, sex, color, handicap etc.)


If you really want to aggressively pursue it you can try contacting the Better Business Bureau, but given that you never actually worked there I think you are wasting your time and should just let it go, and concentrate on finding another job.

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Unfortunately unless you signed a contract with them (and even so you would of likely been on "probation period" for a while allowing them to fire you without notice) or they fired on basis of something discrimanatory you may not have much recourse.


I would say they either decided after training that you might not be suitable, or they found someone else.


In any case I would say its not worth worrying about and you should start just looking elsewhere for another position, but I would talk to the manager at the place you were fired from as if you did not do anything wrong it would be wrong to have "fired" on your employment record, maybe "laid off" would be better.

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