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Getting my baby daddy back

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I recently kicked my boyfriend out of our apartment.We have been together for three years and share a beautiful son together.The reason for me kicking him out was because I was getting tired of all the arguing,he did't do much around the house,and would go out and come home at unresonable times.When you live with somebody your suppose to share the responsabilties,but he left everything up to me.So of course when he would come home

I would constantly nag and scream at him ,then he would always want to go out and I always had have a problem with that.I felt like it was'nt fare that he got to have all the fun and I would be stuck at home with all the cooking and cleaning and take care of our son.So I finally got enough of courage to kick him out.Now that his gone I want him I miss him so much I think about him all day.I need us to get back together and work things out for our son.He things that I'm crazy why did I pack his bags and know I want him back.He wont even talk to me and makes my heart hurt so much to even think of us not getting back together.Even though there was alot of bad times we also have alot of good memories together.So my question is how do I get him to come back home,How do I get him to talk to me again.Somebody anybody have any advice?

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Although we are in different situations, i can tell how you feel. My wife left home 2 weeks ago, and this has left a great big hole in my life. I am looking after my 2 boys at home, but it's very difficult. I know how it hurts that someone you love has gone. I feel the same. I can't explain it, apart from feeling depressed, and an aching feeling with nausia. Like a heaviness in my chest that i can't shift. Lee XXX

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Hello lilcin420,


Maybe you two should sit down and draw out a list of all the things that bother you two about eachother and agree to try and change them for eachother. Talk about them, but be sure to try and take the critisim, I've done this serveral times with my baby daddy and it seemed to help a bit (though now we broke up) back when we were willing to change. I hope this works for you guys...good luck.

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