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Need help with my G-F

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Give her a surprise by cooking a special meal for her or giving her a special massage. Make sure its unpredictable. But dude, do too much romance and it'll come off as WUSSY, CLINGY, and it'll kill any attraction she feels for you. So try to avoid any romance or compliments or I love u stuff until the 10th date at least. If she says I love u, just say "I know".

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please don't respond with "I know"...what an insult unless you've been dating for years and have said I love you hundreds of times before.


Respond with "I care for you too" that will leave her wondering but not upset.


also, one great way to show her you care for her is by a gesture from the heart... a homemade card and a peom. A flower on her desk in the morning. Or have her locker decorated in balloons before she gets to school with a note from you inside.


Be creative.

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