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Break Up


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Me and my ex girlfriend have split for 3 weeks, I maintained no contact throughout this period as she asked and she messaged me to say merry Christmas, I replied and we had a small conversation and both agreed it was great to speak to each other, is the next move to go back to no contact? Her friend also told me the second week in of no contact she was considering messaging me and asking to meet up because she had made a mistake although this never transpired probably because of the lack of contact, she is currently on holiday and back next week, do I wait for her to contact me again or will it be in my best interest to make the next move?


Thanks for your help

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She broke up with me, but the fact her friend told me she already regretted it whilst I'm not even there has given me the confidence that I can get her back, in short I made a mess of things when I was drunk and I do not hold it against her for leaving me, over the no contact period I have really improved all aspects of myself and feel if I went into this relationship as the man I am now we would have a great shot, thanks again for your response

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