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my best friend and my boyfriend

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Okey im sorry but this may be long... i am new to this and i only joined cuz im in a really weird situation and i need some advice....


Okey my best friend in the whole entire world knows my boyfriend... we all three hang out all the time... Its never bothered me before that my friend and my boyfriend hung out... but maybe thats cuz we always hung out together...


Well about a week ago my friend and her brother was going to go to kings island... well my boyfriend asked her if he could go with her... she said yes... she never asked me to go... so before he went i told him that i didn't like the idea of them going to kings island with out me because i didnt' think it seemed right... well he went anyways... This really hurt my feelings so as soon as he got back i talked to him about it. He said that he doesn't like her... but before me and him ever got together they had something happen one night when they got drunk... but he says it was a mistake and that he never ment for things to go that far with her. I trust my boyfriend and thats not what bothered me... it just didnt seem right him going to kings island with my friend without me... but he says he doesn't get it cuz shes his friend too...


Well what my boyfriend didnt' understand was that my friend had done somthing with my ex boyfriend behind my back before... and i know she likes my boyfriend now cuz shes always bringing up what they did when they were drunk...


Well i told him that it bothered me and he promised that he wouldn't do it anymore... and that he understands why i would be upset... but now she calls him all the time... and they talk on the phone and stuff... it never bothered me before but now it bothers me more than ever... when i told my boyfriend josh about this he said that i was over reacting... but im not sure that i am... Do you think i am??? ... Should i be jealous of my friend and my boyfriend talking all the time??? ... and was i wrong to be so upset about them hanging out without me??? I need help... Can someone please give me some advice....

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hey umm ya u were right to get upset.when i was dating a guy he hung around wit my best friend too then 2months after he dumped me they were dating.i'm not sayin this could happen but i m sayin it wont. yes she your best friend and yes he is your boyfriend but anything can happen right?So i hope he told you what happened when they got drunk.Did you tell your best friend how you feel about them talking on the phone? because i m sure if that was you doing that to her she wouldn't like it either.And maybe if you tell her she might stop or slow it down. And she probally does like him if she's calling him. And i can't believe he would leave knowing that you didnt like that he was going with your bestfriend.So the rest of it lies in our hands.i hope i helped.

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Yeah, you have a perfect right to be upset. Your friend's behavour is way out of line, and your boyfriend's behavour isn't too savory right now either.


First off, why are you still friends with this girl? Someone who has messed with your past bf, and has messed with your present bf before you got together and keeps rubbing that in your face doesn't sound like a friend I'd want to keep around. Why do you?


Next, if your bf can't see why this is upsetting you, he's missing a few brain cells. Knowing again of the history they had and the fact that she is calling him alot and talking and now doing things with him, but without you shows that she is just moving in, waiting for her turn to stab you in the back once more.


Sure, my friends like my bf, and we will all hang out together, but my friends aren't hanging out with my bf without me, and calling him all the time etc. if they were that would be weird, and they wouldn't do it out of respect for me.


What I don't understand is why no one invited you to this island?


Sounds like neither of these people particularly care about your feelings.


If I were you, I drop the extra weight and leave them both in the dust. Actions speak louder than words, and thier actions stink.

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OKey... i have tried to tell my best friend how it makes me feel but shes always trying to justify it and say... well hes just my friend....


Me and her stopped being friends last time she did this to me... it took me 8 months to even talk to her again... then eventually i forgave her....


I think that she is just moving in... for a chance when im not around to try to do sumthin with him... but the thing is that i know my boyfriend does not like her... so what im so confused about is... if my boyfriend doesn't like her then why does it bother me so much... i guess its cuz its another girl tryin to mess with my man...


No one invited me to kings island because i had company that night... and they were leaving early that next morning... so i guess they thought i couldn't go... so they just didnt' ask...


Thanks for ur advice... i don't think that i can drop my boyfriend... cuz i have a lot of feelings for him... but u really gave me alot to think about thanks.

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