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Different religions in relationships

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I am Catholic and my fiance claims himself as a "Christian"


He attends church with me and my family, and really takes an active role with my faith. I never asked, or mentioned it.


I always wanted to raise my children in the Catholic faith, send them to Catholic and he has no objections, and we are being married in the Catholic church. All his choices and something he had no problems with.


My parents were similar. My Mother Anglican, father Catholic. They were married in the Catholic church, we were raised Catholic, sent to Catholic schools. My Mother supported my Father is his desire to raise his children Catholic and never objected.


Faith can surely be a sore spot for some. My best girl friend can't even approach this subject with her long term boyfriend. They do not agree whatsoever and religion is a huge source of conflict for them, but overall they really aren't two that compromise really all that well. They both want their own ways or no way.

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The only lasting hope for harmony in the world is that people of different races, religions, countries intermarry and promote understanding of each other.


I am fully in agreement with that sentiment,. DN.


One can hope....



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I have no good feelings towards religion, but I understand it can be difficult to shake one's upbringing. some people rely on religion for whatever purpose, and if it helps, even as a crutch... it would be cool, what DN said, about all sorts of different people intermarrying and understanding each other. unfortunately I can't see myself falling for someone who strongly believes in a religion (especially by the book), as that sort of faith-mentality clashes with values I hold dear (logic, not being a sheep, etc). whenever someone says "thank god" or "god intended it this and this way" etc in a serious manner, I just want to smack them. ): there is no master plan!! I know I'm very bias against religion, it's unfortunate but I just can't ever see myself marrying someone I'd see as borderline lunatic.


at least you are both religious, so you can see eye to eye about having faith in an unproven deity. at the very least, you will respect each other and not think the other stupid or less logical, which is a good thing I think.

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