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Question for the guys...

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Why does my ex keep doing this. Quick sum up he broke up with me Christmas eve to date bosses daughter. More beucase he was in fear of losing his job even his parents state that.


We lost out baby in March which was fine he knows the bar I work at beucase thats how we met and he stayed clear of there after the break up unitl Friday and now again last night.


He comes there and brings the new girlfriend and then she gets pouty and he has a good time while I make sure I am having a good time. The problem is at the bar that he frequents everyone kisses her butt and here no one talks to here even though she knows them.


Anyways why is he coming around now, why do guys do that he knows I work those two days and am always there??

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I probably got 2 answers to that emma.

1) He still loves you and is trying to make the girl know ur presense and hope she backs off automatically - even though i tink that is quite hard

2) He is trying to let you know how well he is getting along with his life, implicitly implying you should too.


Hope that helps.

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We drove each other insane after we broke up him not caring I was pregnant and me always texting him so I don't think it the Loves me thing.


Even though after we broke up he told one of his friends that he loved me and wanted to do the right thing for the baby but continued to spend time and I mean tied at the hip with the boss.


Then eneded upo dating the bosses daughter so not sure but one night I can see to say hey move on but two in a row something gives..


I made sure I had fun though both nights. Like it didn't matter that he was there, however the new girl seemed bothered and crabby by it..


Don't care better off without a juerk like that can't stand up and take responsibility for his actions

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