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Want to make my girlfriend Happy an horney to

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To start off i have read thrue a few topics know and i generly have an idee

what to do the only is my girlfriend had never had an orgasm before

i believe it's becouse se was forced to have sex when she was 17 by a boyfriend she had then after she sed no

she tels me she thinks she's geting close but in the same breath she doen't

know if she's close cause she doen't know how it sould feel like and what she must do when she gets funy feeling "down below" she ask me what she sould do and i dont know sould se pull her body tence ,must she completely relax and she says she has mastrubated but never been able to reach an orgasm


i would really want to make her happy and wanting to make love to me not just becouse she loves me but becouse she's horney too

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Getting her to have an orgasm through masturbation would likely be the best first step... but failing that I'd suggest trying oral sex.


Apparently 30% of women do not orgasm through intercourse, so it's likely not the best choice for giving her her first orgasm.

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this chick sounds like she has my problem the part that sux is she might be a lesbain but dont be to hasty when i masterbate i lay down and push on my vagina i don't know why this works but tell your girl to try it it might not help you but i might make her have a orgasm and thats what you said you wanted to help her with right

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It sounds to me like gently encouraging her to explore her own body when she`s alone, combined with some sweet and non-goal-oriented oral sex would be a great way to go. Orgasm is not something to chase after...the more you two obsess about it, they less she will be able to relax, and the less likely she will be to come, so it`s pointless to chase after orgasm anyway...just relax and have fun and enjoy giving her pleasure, even if it doesn`t result in orgasm. When you get into that frame of mind, you will stop caring about the orgasm, and then, BOOM!

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