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Do you think people can be brainwashed?

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I have been contimplating this question recently.


In my personal opinion I believe they can becuase they let themselves believe the things the others are saying is true or that they are promising them they will get. Like a fantasy land for the one or ones doing the brain washing to get what they want.


What do you think

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You bet they can. I dated a Jehova's Witness.


wow... i am extremely offended by this. i am a Jehovahs witness. to see someone say that i am brainwashed really bothers me. if you knew ANYTHING about us, you would never have said we were brainwashed. to say that we are... is simply the dumbest, most assinine (sp?), and above all most completely rediculous statement that has ever been made.


yes people can be brainwashed into things they dont want to do, or to believe things that they hadnt believed b4, but please dont say something as stupid as "you bet they can. i dated a Jehovahs witness."

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I would be ofended too by that coment.


Now, I think people can be brainwashed. I've heard that Iraqi soilders or the ones that didn't wanted to be soldiers or what-ever, were brainwashed. First they don't give them food for a long time, just water I think. When they are in a completelly bad shape, mentally shape, the mind is blank, can't think straight, act stupid, they tell them so and so and they do so and so... and than they feed them back to life...


I have just heard this... but I think its true.

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"Only this organization functions for Jehovah's purpose and to his praise. To it alone God's Sacred Word, the Bible, is not a sealed book." The Watchtower; July 1, 1973, pp. 402


This quote would suggest that a person cannot understand the Bible just by reading it themselves but needs the help of The Watchtower. So really a Jehovah's witness's own opinions about what the Bible means is irrelevant. When someone's thoughts, opinions, or beliefs are not their own but that of an organization they have been brainwashed into believing that what they think doesn't matter.

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That's a rather nasty thing to say. I am not a Jehova's witness and don't believe in that stuff, but even I know that is quite a nasty thing to say.


Brainwashing is when a person is incapable of thinking for themself. It can happen to anyone, with all sorts of knowledge. Unfortuately many people accuse religious people of being brainwashed because they are intolerant, and are unwilling to consider if they have been brainwashed by atheism.


Brainwashing is dangerous. It happens when one refuses to think for themself and only believes what a powerful person (or group of people) say and refuses to listen to other sources. No matter what we believe, we should always be willing to consider that we could be wrong, and should be willing to change our views.


You bet they can. I dated a Jehova's Witness.
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Chirstianity and and relitions out there are not brainwashing... you believe what you want to believe, you give your hopes to what you want to give your hopes, you have feith in what you want to have feith, you give your life to what you want to give your life...


Relitions are not ment to be brainwashing as long as you can clearlly think for yourself and make your own decitions.


Just something to add

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"Only this organization functions for Jehovah's purpose and to his praise. To it alone God's Sacred Word, the Bible, is not a sealed book." The Watchtower; July 1, 1973, pp. 402


This quote would suggest that a person cannot understand the Bible just by reading it themselves but needs the help of The Watchtower. So really a Jehovah's witness's own opinions about what the Bible means is irrelevant. When someone's thoughts, opinions, or beliefs are not their own but that of an organization they have been brainwashed into believing that what they think doesn't matter.


"only this organization functions for Jehovahs purpose and to his praise."


what that is saying is that through an extensive examination of bible principles ect, you would see that it is the only organized religion that as a whole upholds bible standards and praises God the way that it is set out in the bible.


"to it alone Gods sacred word, the bible, is not a sealed book."


so saying that the organization that i am a part of examines what the bible has to say, and tries its upmost to live in harmony with what the bible says, means i am brainwashed?


id really love to know how you can read all those things you said into these 2 statements.


i really dont have anything else to add to the original thread topic. i just wanted to clear up this crap that was said about, in essance, me. so anyway peace 8)

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Chirstianity and and relitions out there are not brainwashing... you believe what you want to believe, you give your hopes to what you want to give your hopes, you have feith in what you want to have feith, you give your life to what you want to give your life...


Relitions are not ment to be brainwashing as long as you can clearlly think for yourself and make your own decitions.


Just something to add


i agree!

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yeah that is offensive...


I wouldn't try to argue that my remark is not offensive, it is really. That said however, it's hardly incorrect. Having acquainted myself with a member, a lovely girl and one of the sweetest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, I can say for certain that brainwashing is certainly possible. I didn't really even believe in the word until I educated myself on this religion. Having listened to her, attended a Kingdom Hall a few times, and reading Watchtower literature, I've found that brainwashing and control tactics have been thoroughly mastered by the witness elders in Brooklyn. The Watchtower Society maintains a stranglehold on it's membership by isolating it from the rest of the world as best it can, dictating numerous aspects of a member's life, discouraging higher education (although the official position of attending college was recently altered), and discouraging reading 'worldly' literature... not to mention obligating church attendance some three times wekly. The only difference between the Watchtower and your run-of-the-mill cult is the substantial number of members the Watchtower society enjoys... a slowly dwindling number, however.

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yeah that is offensive...


I wouldn't try to argue that my remark is not offensive, it is really. That said however, it's hardly incorrect. Having acquainted myself with a member, a lovely girl and one of the sweetest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, I can say for certain that brainwashing is certainly possible. I didn't really even believe in the word until I educated myself on this religion. Having listened to her, attended a Kingdom Hall a few times, and reading Watchtower literature, I've found that brainwashing and control tactics have been thoroughly mastered by the witness elders in Brooklyn. The Watchtower Society maintains a stranglehold on it's membership by isolating it from the rest of the world as best it can, dictating numerous aspects of a member's life, discouraging higher education (although the official position of attending college was recently altered), and discouraging reading 'worldly' literature... not to mention obligating church attendance some three times wekly. The only difference between the Watchtower and your run-of-the-mill cult is the substantial number of members the Watchtower society enjoys... a slowly dwindling number, however.


i understand what you're saying


although, it's important that we do not generalize or stereotype, that's all i'm saying


i'm religious, and i'm not brainwashed. i'm not a jehovah's witness, i'm christian, but you know what i'm saying.


take care

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Going back to the original question, yes most definitely, yes. People can be brainwashed, BUT, that's where we all have to be our own independent thinkers, and not follow the masses. Take television for example, it is so easy to misconstrue what's really happening in the real world. Even popular mainstream news can be used as propaganda. Some people think that reality shows is what life is really about, and they often follow that standard of living. Media heavily saturates people with this consumeristic lifestyle. Television is a great way to brainwash people. Often times, for some people, it's their window to the world. Of course a Hollywood exxageration of reality, but people buy into the kind of lifestyle that they watch on tv. I'm at fault too! Sometimes, I also fall into the trap of consumerism, by having dreams of owning my own house, and buying lottary tickets in hopes to satisfy my luck. But, in the end, I realize that material things don't buy happiness. If I want my own house, I need to work hard and earn it.


Anyway, just keep in mind, be your own believer to things in life. Pick and choose from what you believe in, and shape your own values.

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