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When will he live me alone.

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My boyfriend and I decided to take a break from each other for the summer, and now he keeps asking me back. He goes into all this shit about how much he loves me and how much I mean to him. The ***ing stalker wrote me a 5 page note telling me how he can change because he loves me and will do anything to keep being with me. I DONT WANT TO BE WITH HIM RIGHT NOW! He did some things in our relationship that I wasn't very happy with but I've forgiven him. I just don't love him anymore. He asked me why I didn't love him anymore but I don't want to tell him. He just needs to forget about me and leave me alone. It's none of his business why I stopped loving him. That's between me and me. He told me that he has a right to know! BULLSHIT! Ugh! He's such a stalker! What should I do?

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What should you do? Be a reasonable and caring human being about it. You've hurt him, he loved you, he opened his heart to you, and you broke it. Ok, so it's your decision, but you should have the decency to let him know the reasons why. It's important for somebody who's been hurt in that way to try to come to terms with what's happened, and in order to do that, he needs a proper explanation from you to make sense of it all. Try to undersand his pain and what he's going through, and see that it's irresponsible of you to take the attitude that it's none of his business why you don't love him. It's a perfectly natural response for him to try to tell you how much he loves you. He will hate you forever if you keep him from the truth about your feelings, and it is truly a sad thing when that happens to two people who used to love each other. You too may find out what it feels like to be dumped like a bag of rubbish in the bin and not have any idea why, and for the person doing it to be too selfish and not have the respect and decency of giving you a fair explanation. Don't do it to somebody else, he's more likely to leave you alone if you have had a real heart to heart about what went wrong

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I agree with Killer, he's confused and he has every reason to be. You didn't give him a good enough reason and denying him the reason is just making him come at you more. You need to call him and tell him why you broke up with him so that he can move on with his life. He probably feels as though you are stringing him along because you're not giving him the true reason of why you are breaking up with him. Please be respectful and just tell him the truth. Believe me if you were in his position you would want the same.


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When you break up with a guy, you have to tell him the truth. Like the above poster said, if you don't tell him the truth, he will bug you even more until you admit it.


Now my advice, please grow up, get on that phone and tell him the truth. Once you tell him the truth, he will leave you alone. The reason he keeps bugging you, is that he wants a reason why you broke up with him.


I don't blame guys for bugging the women everytime after a break up since women are lying to them. You shouldn't lie. It's a wrong thing to do.


You say, it's "None of his business" of why you don't love him anymore? Well, you are the one who told him "you don't love him anymore", so it is his business.


Why don't you love him anymore? You no longer find him attractive? Has he dated other women behind your back? Just get on that damn phone and straight out tell him why.

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If you don't love him and he keeps bothering you, try to cut off all connections with the guy. I think he hurt you first. You should be a reasonable and caring human being about it, but only to a certain extent. If he's ***ing stalking you, that's going beyond the line.

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And by the way, from the sounds of things, I don't think he's really stalking you. You are assuming things too much when you say he's stalking when I think he's really not.


What I think he is doing, he wants to have a long talk with you to make things better for the two of you.


Just get on that phone, talk to him and make him feel better. Just calling him a stalker isn't solving anything.

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Ok, here were my problems with him. First, he teased me all the time. Just for the record, the guy is jesuismorte05. He posted about this earlier. He teased me all the time. It started out with stupid shit like "your feet stink" or "you're short." Just stupid crap that after awhile got really annoying. Then he teased me about cheating on him. He says he trusts me but that is no way to show your trust for someone. On top of all of this he has severe depression, so when he gets mad or upset he starts popping pills. He tries to talk to me about it, but it's not my problem. It pisses me off so much becasue it made me feel like I was doing something wrong. I just don't want to have to deal with my boyfriend doing stuff like that. I shouldn't have to either. He doesn't need to drag me down with him. Another thing is he's a very lovable, huggable person. Sometimes I don't like being touched because of something that happened in my past that has affected me. He tried to respect that but sometimes he just slipped and hugged me when I didn't want to be. If he cared about me he would be perfect. We had said that if I wanted to be touched I would make the first move. I guess this was hard for him because we had always done that before and had even had sex before. He said, "ok first we were having sex, and now I can't even give you a ***ing hug?" His words exactly. He's such a selfish ass. If he cared about me in the first place he would be completely fine with that. And I don't feel like going into this and telling him, because it's going to be hard, and he's just going to apologize and say he can change and I don't want him back! I like someone else!

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When he makes fun of you, you are taking things too personally and taking everything he's saying so seriously. Don't take him so seriously. He's just joking and being sarcastic. Just don't take things too personal that's all.


For what you explained there, that is a very stupid reason to break up with him. You have to have a very good reason to break up with him. What you said above is not a good reason.


Just get on that phone and talk to him just like you did to us here.

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