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Couple of weeks back i posted a topic.. thats about to avoid breakup with my love..

But now i'm proud that i did it.. thanks all.....

My gf left me because she want to be loyal with her parents. her parents dont want us to get married! I knew this is gonna happen.. thats why i prepared her for all these situation.. but one day suddenly on her parents 25th marrieage annu'ry they emotionaly changed her mind.. NOw she thinks its not gonna work out and she had made her mind to break up.. i tried convincing but of no use..

Her behaviour was so changed and she started acting like she is only concern about her parents.. she no more cares about me. She had called me four five times and she forced me to break up... Then i made my mind and took her out to discuss about the issue.. i told her to take a final dicision..

But suddenly she started asking me to give her time she want to think again .. But i was lost my patience and i forced her to take her decision.. and i also told her to come into my shoes and take my decision too.. she dint agree for first time but i forced her to take mine too... because i tried convincing her a lot before this but she dint took it seriously..


Finally she said she cant continue this and asked me to forget her.. she was crying by that time.. i was very hurt and said thank u very much for playing game... i droped her back home and said i'll wait for u.. and wished her good luck.


m'i did any thing in hurry? i feel i gave her enough time to think on this(more than 2 weeks) but stil u know.. i miss her too much..

shall i wait for her? what if same thing happens again?? She is just not prepared mentaly. any advice wil help a lot

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You can. you can do what ever you want. you knokw this to be fact. it would seem that your girlfriend does not.


Me personally? I would not have much to do with a person that put their parents wishes above there own. while it is important, I believe, to be obedient to ones parents I also believe that they should be instilling in your woman a sense of dignity in makeing up her own mind.


my two cents. i know it doesnt help the heart ache out but take it for what it is.

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I have a SOMEHWAT similar story... maybe it will help.


My ex ADORES her parents and treats them like gold. I think that is WONDERFUL. But... her father has become ill and needs a lot of care. That allowed very LITTLE time for me. I TRULY did not mind... but I didn't fit into the equation. It was family, work, school, more family and then I fit in somewhere down the list. Anytime spent with me was time she COULD have been with her Dad and she felt guilty. She started basically ignoring me because she was exhausted and THAT'S what angered me and triggered an argument that lead to the end.


Now, when her father dies (and I pray not anytime soon) if I had been around she would have blamed me for taking away precious time with her Dad. Now she's got all the time she wants.

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thanks a lot....... u dont know what u changed in me.. i was so guilt till i read ur post but now i think i did rite.. i gave her space that she wanted.. let her be happy..

But she left her future in tough position and i really wanna wish goodluck.. pls god bless her..

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