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Is it time to make some more friends?

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I don't know. It wasnt anything huge, just some stuff with my girlfriend in the last couple days that has started this off. Ok, we kinda have this three-way circular thing going. I met my girlfriend at about the same time she met my best friend, and now we are all happy go lucky together. We do stuff and hang out and all that good stuff. But she had a problem with a guy, a friend that she apparently has had since high school, but just got into contact with about 5 months ago using Yahoo chat. Anyways, that sort of a sperate issue that I dont really care about anymore (I just asked her why she never mentioned him, she said she thought I would be mad, which I wasnt, and that was all to that). But while I was working out of her what the problem was (it was obvious from her body lanauge even though she didnt want to tell me), she mentioned our roles. I'm her boyfriend, and my best friend is her best friend now too. Which I already knew, that was just to fill you all in but she then said something that I hadnt clued into, apparently he is now her "vent person". Which makes sense, now. He's her best friend. Thats more or less what there for, right? Well, I kinda think so. But me and my friend both being guys, we dont really talk about emotions and all of that like they two of them do. Then the next day, I was chatting with my friend online when he said "Sorry, I was talking to (girls name)", that after it took him forever to respond.


So, that kinda left me just staring off into my mind. It just hit me, after all this time, that I dont have anything like that. I thought we were. . .I don't know, us. One. But now I see that she has my friend and this other guy, my friend has this other girl (she does live locally, and they do get together sometimes with her friends), and I just. . .yea. They all have people that they can talk to, and get away to. It was a very strange feeling at that realization, a feeling of abandonment. I don't know. Ya know? I guess this post was a start at explaining my feelings on the topic, as ironically enough, I don't really have anyone else to talk to about it (except for the bathroom mirror. . .but I've already done that). That too is a separate issue. I'm debating between starting a new post or adding to this one. *shrugs*

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My advice may seem malicious but its really not. I had sort of the same problem with my girlfriend. We're in a LDR and she has a few great friends at her school and theyre all great and I would consider myself friends with them as well even if she wasnt in the picture, the thing is theyre mostly guys. This was hard to deal with for a while until i met a great girl at my school and we hit it off as friends (shes in a relationship as well) we are each others confidants and such.


So my advice is talk to your girlfriend about it, tell her how you feel, and if she doesnt change anything go make friends of your own, relying on one or two people is never good for a relationship.

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