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I think that you are a little young. You first start by taking birth control regularly and then when the guy gets aroused you put a condom on him, and then it kinda comes naturally from there. But the first two steps are more important that the rest.

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No offense to all you posters, but I think she asked "how to have sex" not "am I old enough" or "what should I do about protection"


That being said, the actual definition of intercourse is: physical sexual contact between individuals that involves the genitalia of at least one person.


Penetration of the penis into the vagina.


As for what you want to do during sex, the possibilities are endless, it can involve kissing, touching, caressing, oral sex the list goes on and on. Most people do what they like and what their partner enjoys, so "going with the flow" is a good way to approach it.

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A bit of advice, from someone who "learned the hard way"


Be picky with who you choose to give your virginity to. Your first time can be awesome or terrible, and it's something you will most likely remember forever.


Just a thought, this may not apply to you but when I go clothes shopping I try things on, look in the mirror, ask for a friends opinion, and even sometimes go home and come back to buy the "outfit" later that day, or I get home and realize "I didn't even really like that outfit its a good thing I didn't spend $85 on it" Well take that idea with you when you are thinking about "losing your virginity"...


"Try him on", ask yourself is this guy worthy of me?


"Look in the Mirror" ask yourself do I feel good about this choice I am making?


"Ask friends for an opinion" ask your friends and family, do you like (guys name) do you think he is good for me?


"Go home and maybe come back later that day" Give yourself time to think about whether it feels right.


"Realize, a potential "bad purchase"" Be happy in your choices if you realize that you don't want to share yourself with a person that doesn't feel right.


Good LUCK!!

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