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Are guys intimidated by tall girls?

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I don't like girls that wear things to be taller than guys. It makes them look like a fascist no-mercy ***** lol. I mean guys are supposed to be the dominant ones here, that's why we like being taller, the girls are the submissive ones, they're supposed to look at least slightly upwards at us, because it's submissive(shorter). Guy's tend to like girls their height, or 3-4 inches shorter than them.


But yeah, if a girl is like an inch taller than me, I wouldn't really like it. I could handle it, but I'd feel she's more "in control" if you get what I mean. But if your abnormally short like I'm 5'8 and the girl is like 4'11, too bad your too short. Like I wouldn't really mind at all if your 5'2 but think about it. Who wants to bend down to kiss someone??? It's absurd.

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TBH, when I look at a girl, part of my attraction for them is how good their genes are. If they are tallish (around my height - 5'11), give or take an inch or so, then it's the best for me. I want my children to not be small (my dad is big, and my mum is small, and it bugs me I'll never be as tall as my dad ). Small kids get picked on aswell sometimes, but most people fear the big kids 8)


All in all, around 5'10 is my ideal height. I guess like 6'5 would put me off a bit though... come to think of it, alot.

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I'm about 5'6-5'7 and i have to say i love taller guys. I dont think i would really want to date a guy that was shorter than me. If i just met him somewhere i dont think i would persue anything. I mean i might think "oh he's cute" but then the "he's too short" comment would override any interest i had in him before. That is unless i got to know him and he was really and awsome guy of course

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I don't like girls that wear things to be taller than guys. It makes them look like a fascist no-mercy ***** lol. I mean guys are supposed to be the dominant ones here, that's why we like being taller, the girls are the submissive ones, they're supposed to look at least slightly upwards at us, because it's submissive(shorter).


SUBMISSIVE!!!! Excuse me Metallic guy but girls are NOT supposed to be submissive to men! I hope you simply chose the wrong word to state your opinion with because in today's society women are in no way shape or form below to men. Maybe I'm going off on a little feminist tangent, which i hightly doubt, but come on submissive! JEEZ


And what on earth do you thing a fascist looks like, could you be anymore stereotypical!

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I don't like girls that wear things to be taller than guys. It makes them look like a fascist no-mercy ***** lol. I mean guys are supposed to be the dominant ones here, that's why we like being taller, the girls are the submissive ones, they're supposed to look at least slightly upwards at us, because it's submissive(shorter).


SUBMISSIVE!!!! Excuse me Metallic guy but girls are NOT supposed to be submissive to men! I hope you simply chose the wrong word to state your opinion with because in today's society women are in no way shape or form below to men. Maybe I'm going off on a little feminist tangent, which i hightly doubt, but come on submissive! JEEZ


And what on earth do you thing a fascist looks like, could you be anymore stereotypical!


Well put xcountryprincess! I'm sure it was just the wrong choice of words

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I'm tall (5'9)and I find that guys that are interested in me are usually my height or taller. However, I did have a friend who just so happened to be a "little person" come on to me, and say..."you know, I've always had a thing for tall women" LOL.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I guess it was the wrong word, I wasn't meaning that guys are better than women, didn't want that to sound sexist. I meant that women are submissive to guys like the guys the leader you know, the woman's like behind the guy. I don't know the exact word but it's a gender thing. Hey, everyone makes mistakes lol. Asdf puts it well. That's what I meant.

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