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help on how to give a(n) intense hand job

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hi there...i jus came abck from ym bf's place...n i tried giving him a handjob but it jus wasn't working...i asked him how?.. he's like hold the fore skin...i didn't get it....n i just felt stupid...i need help on how to...like step by step proceedure....n do u have to use two hands...how is it usally done???....i would appreciate your help!!!!





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Tell him to take it in his hands, and look at his hand position. Ever guy likes it differently. Don't feel stupid, you don't have a penis to play with everyday and figure out how to do things. It's just gonna take a few more times.

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practice makes perfect. Dont get discouraged after just one try.


I have a few gal pals who've remarked before how strange it was to give their first hand/blow job and how strange it is to adapt to a new guy. You just gotta keep trying and not get too discouraged.


You can also ask your guy if you are doing something right, or how he likes it.




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well since nobody decided to directly help ya, here ya go:


1. make sure your thumb is positioned on the top when your hand is wrapped around. best way is usually to lay next to him if your just giving a hand job.


2. do not bend the penis down or side to side more than 45 degree angle, this can hurt sometimes.


3. When "stroking" dont squeeze too hard, make sure you are squeezing enough to have a good grip, but no more.


4. if you can rub the back edge of the head a little that helps, but do not irritate it, you will need feedback form him on this part.


5. a handjob will take a while to cause him to ejaculate, so you might wanna start lifint weights to beef up your arms.


6. finally do your best not move it around alot when stroking, it will be harder the faster you go, but just try and keep it steady.


Thats the best I can do for ya, hope it helps. lol might wanna post this as a handjob tutorial

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The reason that I didn't give step by step is because every man is different. I have been with a few guys, and let me tell you, every single one of them was completely different so I wouldn't tell her do this and that. This is what I suggest. Tell him to take it in his hands and do what he would do if you weren't there (total turn on by the way) and watch his hand placement. Then you will know. Some like it firm some like it a little looser, some fast and some slow. Kinda like the three bears...lol Good luck

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