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Hey people!


I'm starting to break out in spots! then when they go I have horrid scares. They look like cuts and are really noticeable!


It's horrible I feel self consious about them! Whats the best way to get rid of spots quickly.


I can't hide them too well with foundaton or powder. But I have small round cuts on my face.

Please help me get rid of them!



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First of all, dont squeeze or play with them as it only makes them worse and more noticeable. Im not sure what your diet is like at the moment but a healthy eating plan will probably help - that means no fizzy drinks, chocolate, fast food or high fat snacks.


You should also invest in some sort of face wash, you want something that moisturises your skin as well as fighting spots. Drinking a lot of water throughout the day can also help your skin to look its best.

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I tried decleor prologene gel, it reduces the redness in spots and if i remember rightly it did take the rednees away, i think i noticed a difference after 6 weeks, the only thing wa si kept getting spots so as the redness went away from my spot i had constant out break, maybe you should go to the doctor and get referred to a skin specislist, also drink lots of water that helps clean out the toxins in your body

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First off, toothpaste will dry it out but won't heal anything. If you're spot look kinda like burn marks and are spreading, you might want to see a doctor as it could be a bacterial infection. What everyone else said is pretty much right on, lots of water, good skincare products, avoid irritating foods. Make sure that your make up is not making it worse either, bad makeup can clog your pores sometimes.

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