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A little worried, help!

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Help, Im worried. I havent had my period in almost 8 weeks. I did 2 tests about 2 weeks ago and they were both negative. I cant get an appointment at my GP until about another week and a half. I'm really worried and so is my boyfriend, I mean none of us are ready for this. Its all very strange, the last time this happened I didnt have any period from october to january the next year. When i did get my period it was long and aweful, I went through tampons in half and hour. It came while I was ot work, I went to the hospital and they gave me pills to stop the heavy bleeding, they did a test and it was negative. A few days after I went for a check up and they said that I didnt have any period because I put on a little weight too quickly nad as I started loosing it I started bleeding again. Everything was fine until recently when my period just didnt show up. Now i'm so scared and I dont know what to do. I dont want it to end up that I have to have an abortion. What should I do

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Can you try going to a different clinic to get another appointment sooner? Well, if you can't, I say, just take another home pregnancy test. Then, go again to the doctors.


It's entirely possible that your body is still going through changes. My period was 8 days early this month. Sometimes, when I get very stressed about something, my period is either very early, or very late.


Have you talked to your ob/gyn about these period issues? It could be hormonally related. Getting on birth control pills can regularize your period, and prevent you from getting pregnant.


good luck! I hope things work out for you!

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First off if you do not wish to be pregnant and if you wish to have a regular period then you need to see your obgyn for birth control. Birth control will make you not paranoid because it comes on time ever time if taken properly. Also when I first started my period years ago I was whacked out. I would have it for 28 days straight and then off for 4 days. If you go to your obgyn and tell her about the problems you are experiencing she will put you on a special amount of birth control to make everything run correctly.

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  • 3 weeks later...

just a thought, a friend of mine didnt have a period for 10 months (she was a virgin).........wen she went to the doc, it was just as if shed had a false pregnancy......due to lack of certain nutrients in her diet it had stopped her periods, there is always an explanation other than pregnancy

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