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scared im gonna lose him cos of distance please help

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my bf is going away next month to america for 3 months and he is going for training to become a better boxer, plus get promoted, get his name out there, travel about to watch other boxing matches, he has saved up and has enough to live off for luxuries too, but now that the time has come im very very scared, iv been with him 2 years and i just cant bair the fact hes leaving me for so long.

Hes always been so loving and caring for me and i havent spoken to him about my fears because i dont want to push him away, and i have already spoken about this when he first decided to go anyway but presently speaking my fears have grown worse - here are my many fears-


i am scared he is not going to want me anymore when he goes, because its a place hes never been before and it might make him feel its a big world out there


i am scared the people hes staying with will influence him and make him change


i am scared he will meet someone else


and i am scared about missing him and the emotions the whole seperation i will experience e.g becoming depressed


im not obsessed, i just lvoe him so much and iv never experienced seperation before, so can anyone give me advice on how to stop feeling this way and the make me see the reality of my fears and that they are just nonsense? plus if anyone has ever gone long distance with their partner how do i make this work?



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He will meet other people and be ifluenced by other peoples thoughts and all of that stuff whether he moved or not! But if he wants to be with you then he will continue to be with you. There is no reason to worry, just go with the flow. Things happen for a reason and you can't not stop the unevitible.

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Also, you need to make sure he is thinking about you all the time. Talk to him when you have the chance. Do something special and unforgettalbe before he leaves. That way you know you did the best you could and if he does decide to not come back to you, you will know it was because deep down inside he didnt want to be with you. But never the less, do not worry, talk to him when he is gone, make him smile, make him miss you and he will.

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