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Ok, I need to know if anyone else here has experianced this. thanx


so i started taking welbutren for my depression and it was working great for about 2 months and now out of no where I feel all juncky again.

I can't even discribe how horrible I feel and out of no where.

I am just as bad if not worse then i was before i started taking it.

I consintly want to kill myself!!! I live In my room all by myself hiding from my family and friends, I'm never hungry anymore, And I feel like a loony.


ONe of my favorit things to do in the world is go out to the movies and I was offerd an invitation to go from my grandfather today and I turned it down. Now i feel fine, but I go up and down and up and down constintly. MOstly down. I don't want it to keep going like this, I don't want to keep feeling suicidal and not likeing anything.


Has this happened to anyone here? I mean the whole thing with the anti-deprssents working and then just stoping like this.????

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I would recommend that you talk to the person who subscribed the antidepressants to you. I know it's done through a doctor in the uk but I'm not sure if it is done through a physician in the US.


Yes so anyway tell them how you feel. I understand that sometimes a certain brand of AD don't suit everybody but other brands do!

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Not all meds fit everyone body. I started taking one that did nothing but made me want to retreat into my shell and just exist. Suicidal thoughts abound...but these could have been aided by lack of nutrition and lack of sleep.


Get out ...go for a walk. Force yourself.


By all means go back to you doc and see if he can't prescribe something else for you.


For them to be effective you need to eat, sleep...and function. So start moving... get out get excersise...exersise releases natural seratonun in you brain.. the feel good hormone. I know its hard but you've got to push yourself. You've already made it through the biggest hurdle...recognizing something is wrong and wanting to change it.


Good luck to you..... If you ever wnat to PM me you were welcome to do so.

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they're not always "zombie food," they can help people they help me. i agree with everyone, SEE A DOCTOR. or at least talk to someone you know about all of this. try your best to get out and do what makes you happy. you can get through this. we're all here for you, don't forget that. don't give up, it's not worth it. you CAN get through this and you WILL feel better. you won't always feel this. again, don't be afraid to tell people about how you feel, they're there to help! take care, msg me if you ever want to and see this site


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