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I have a guy "friend" who is very weird about hair. He's tried everything on every part of his body. A few weeks ago he let me Nair his chest & belly & I know that made his very itchy for a while. I can just imagine what it would feel like "down there"! I think shaving would be the best way to go....

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I'll be the first to say that I love a man that is totally 100% shaved. I am talking legs, back, arms, chest, penis and balls (lol) EVERYTHING. It feels a lot better to lay next to someone that is as silky as I am- as lot as he isn't silky and skinny, but nice and built- and not getting hair in my mouth. But my boyfriend uses a razor everyday. Just remember the shaving cream.

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Hair is nice, no hair is nice...just if you do shave it, be prepared to keep on shaving, and I mean DAILY. If not, you will find that it hurts/ itches like HELL when it grows back. I am not kidding. Anyway, use a new razor blade and shaving cream (not too menthol-y)...stay away from those cheap plastic razors that tend to nick you no matter how careful you are.

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I have found nothing more satisfactory than shaving gel and a decent razor with a new blade...but I have sensitive skin, so after one bad experience, I`m leaving the Nair for others. I`m thinking of going the laser hair removal route...it`s SO cheap here, it`s just a matter of finding the time and practicing the relevant Japanese vocabulary...LOL.

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What about hair on your sack? My buddy said he uses a razor for that too, but frick .. I am too scared for that. What's the story here? When I use a razor on my other hair down there I get stupid red bumps lol .. I think cuz I go against the hair growth or whaever. But I have to, to get it close enough. I use a lotion afterwards too. Still doesnt help.

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  • 1 month later...

When I was in high school one of the girls in gym class shaved herself for her boyfriend cause he saw it in a movie and wanted to do it that way but she started to get zits down there. The teacher heard and she had to go to the nurse cause they thought it was herpes but it was just the hairs getting ingrown. That's what she told us (her, not the teacher). I cut my self too much when I have to shave my legs so you are all much braver than me Maybe I should practice more shaving regular parts...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why is when guys want to remove hair down there the first thing that always comes to their mind is use a razor? You've got to be insane to take a razor blade to your scrotum or penis.


Have you not heard of hair clippers?


I don't like hair down there myself either but there are safer ways of removing it. I also don't like hair down there on women but that's another story.

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