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How did you meet your best friend?

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I met my best friend in my freshman year of college. I was really badly socially adjusted but I was able to find my own group of friends and he's the one that stuck the most, so now, ten years later, I'm still friends with him and talk to him on a weekly basis. I'm not sure why he's the one that stuck, but it could be because we generally shared the same basic problems and had a high level of trust.


Another friend of mine I considered a very close friend for many years, but ultimately I realized that we were never actually close - it was sort of like having a hangout buddy for nine years, we did a lot of surface talk but no deep connection ever formed. I was unhappy with our friendship, and while I wanted to talk about it, he outright refused several times. So I distanced myself until nothing was left. It turned out to be a mistake in the end, not because of losing him but because of losing the people I knew through him that I hadn't quite permanently connected to. But we never understand these things at the time, do we?

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lol, i met one of my best friends in grade 3, we were playing capture the flag in gym, and we ran rite into each other... we went to the office to tend to our wounds and wutnot, then we just started hangin out, even to this day, after i moved like 2 hrs away, were great friends

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I met my best friend when we were in kindergarten. She was picked on alot and I was the only one who was nice to her, but eventually she ended up getting picked on so bad that she left the school. We still kept in contact right up until when I was in yr 9, when I convinced her to come back to my school, since we were all mature and people had changed. She ended up becoming one of the most popular people in the school! Ha! Though she ended up moving out of home and with a few friends to a place about 2 hours drive away, and she hasn't got a phone so we dont really keep in touch anymore.


My other best friend was one of the new kids in my class and I made the effort to get to know her and brought her into our group, and she's just one of the nicest, sincere people i've ever met and she's just so cool, lol


My other best friend goes to my school too, but she didnt originally. Her mum and dad had split up, and her dad, being friends with mine, moved into our house and so three nights a week she comes and stays here. We hated eachother at first -- but now we're just like sisters


They both progressed into a "best friend" friendship because, I dont know, we just hung around eachother alot and in the first two's case they needed a friend and I was there for them. Also, those three seem to be on the same.. uh, i can't think of the word, "humour level", as me. We just end up making all these inside jokes all the time.. Everyone else probably thinks i'm a bit crazy when I start talking about the mcdonalds party and african princess at 3 o'clock and yelling out G uNiT, but they all get me just fine. XDDDD

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ok, i have two best friends.


1st is my cousin, I met her six years ago when my uncle started to date who he is now married to. We hated eachother more than anyone at first and I'm not really sure how it happened but now she is one of the most important people in my life.


My other best friend i met only not even a year ago at home school. Only 5 of us went there and we became close friends fast.

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I met my best friend about ten years ago in high school. She was my lab partner in Chemistry. Her sense of humor and mine just clicked right away and we spent a lof of time making fun of our teacher. I remember thinking that she was really beautiful, not conventionally beautiful, but her charm was just really unique and it had a sparkle to it. It's irnoic that I say sparkle because she was going through sort of a goth phase back then. I was kind of a band geek. If you had seen us back then you would have thought we were from two completely different planets. She was dating this guy who was well known at school for being kind of a "bad boy" player loner type...he was really good looking. She would always talk to me about all the poop he put her through but she loved him all the same. After that semester ended we were pretty much just casual acquaintances until we started seeing each other at the community college. Ironically I ended up dating her boyfriend's (same one from high school) friend. We kind of bonded on that and then I got her a job working where i worked and it jsut sort of took off from there. She is still with her boyfriend from high school--- 10 years now...woooweee...not married yet though...they've been broken up before and I've been there through it all, and she's been through all my drama as well. I love her so much--she's pretty much the closest thing I have to a sister since I'm the youngest w/ two older brothers. We've traveled a lot together seen some crazy things together...have a whole slew of inside jokes ...and experienced things that can only be described as magickal. We are far away from each other right now, but we still e-mail and I see her when I come home for holidays. That's about it...

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I met my best friend in kindergarten, almost 13 years ago. We were really close, and then unfortunately in middle school we drifted a bit, but then in 8th grade we got super close again because we were in the same class, and we've talked almost every day online since then. Then at the beginning of this school year she had to go to a different high school because of some stupid regulations or whatever, but she's just in the next town over. But anyway, we talk all the time and we always keep each other updated on our lives and stuff. I just hung out with her tonight, as a matter of fact.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I met my best friend on the school bus in 1988 we were sophmores at the time..we are still best friends after all thoes years..gone through good & bad times and have been there for each other reguardless.

I am still single she is married to her H.S. sweetheart and they have a daughter 6years old,we still talk on the phone all the time and have a girls night out every once in awhile. ..Wow!! seems like yesterday we were on that bus..time does fly.

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we were classmates in junior high. we weren't really that close until we started reheasring for our prom night. i hate this one girl in school for being such a flirt. i started chatting with this girl, found out we hate the same girl, together with another girl.


from then on, we we together discussing and doing things together, all because of one common "enemy".


still bestfriends up until now.

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