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hi me yet again!! Help advise greatly needed

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Please don't become too hopeful - if he says he has another girlfriend now, I wouldnt have thought he'd want to get back together with you. And even if he did, do you really want someone who left you with no reason, and appeared to move on extremely quickly, then came back?


Hear him out, but be honest about the sort of person he is and whether hes really any good for you.

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yeah don't get your hopes up or it will hurt if things don't turn out as expected. Mabye he feels guilty about leaving and needs to talk. When he comes over to talk ask him straight out why he left you. I think you deserve to know.


Anyway having a make over is a good idea! It's the new you! it can be your new look.


Hope things go alright and post everyday if you want to! I bug Enotalone all the time!


Just don't get your hopes up.


Good luck!!


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Get your hair done and a tan for YOURSELF, not for him. Anyone that leaves you for no reason, already has a new gf (maybe that's his reason), and then tells you he needs to talk when he gets his stuff is not worth dirt. Really. Have you no sense of pride or self-worth? We teach people how to treat us by accepting or not accepting what they do to us. Why sign up for more crap? He can dish out all he wants. You don't have to be standing there with a bowl and a spoon. Please, have a dental appointment that day. Anything. Put yourself first and him last. Respect yourself. You are better than this. Wake up.

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