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problem with the green thing HELP!!!!

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Help me! I am green with jealousy. I know this is hazardous. It could ruin my friendship and this makes me pretend to be like her and cause hatred to myself. I mean she is smart, pretty, sweet, soft, witty, athletic and everyone just love her. I am like behind her shadow so this makes me dislike her. Plus she doesn't really get along with me but we are in the same gang. Sometimes I feel like ruining her relationship with others so that people will start to like me not her. I know this is evil that why I am here waiting for advice. Can someone help me to stop this jealousy be4 I do something cruel? The guy I have a big time crush also like her. Why is it that everyone just like her not me. How to make ppl like me? I have tried everything from being myself to be like her but still I am her hidden shadow! HELP!!!!

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First of all, if you do something cruel to your "friend" what makes you think that people will like you then, rather than hate you? If you do something as stupid as to try ruining your friends reputation you will only be seen upon as the jealous traitor who is trying to be popular! And we don't want that do we?.

You need to change you preception of her, it might be that she's not all that afterall!. Guys usually fall for the "hottest of the hottest chicks" but remember that that is purely a desire to climb the biggest mountain, which means that the relationship not nesseserily will work out in the long run!.


It seems to me as if you have a little low self-esteem. There's no need for that, you are truly a great and uniqe person! Now, take a look at yourself in the mirror, completely naked. Then point out at least ten things you like about your looks! Try to ignore the things you don't like ok? The next time you're out with your friends think only of how good looking you are, be happy with yourself. That's the only way to survive in this world, to be in harmony with yourself!


Ok, so mabe she is smart, pretty, sweet, soft and all that, but that is what you are doing wrong; comparing yourself to her. You don't want to be her do you?. Then get out of those shaddows and show yourself to the world!. Don't be afraid to take contact with guys, I'm sure there's a lot of guys out there who wants to be with you. There's nothing more attractive in a girl than confidence and self-assurance!.


remember that whatever you do, if it's a bad thing it will only back-fire on YOU!.


Take care!

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Hi jl_gal, i'm sure it must be a rough time but you need to admit some few things. Did you tell him anything about your feelings? Don't act like someone you aren't, stay the way you are and im sure you are really good. If you really cares about him I suggest you talk with him or even talk with the girl. Hatred is useless...


Trust me


Jeff l. Spiegel

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