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So I really like this girl, only problem is her friends are complete morons... I actually feel dumber standing around with these guys. The girls are nice, smart, funny but these guys have hit their heads a few times against the sidewalk.


I'm not sure how I can work around it, I could just tell her that yes I like her (well she already knows) but that I just dont like her guy friends...


I just don't talk when i'm around them, I keep to myself... I pay attention but I sort of just sit there and smile pretending like I give a **** about their drunk weekend.


My other option is to just go out on personal dates with her... Hand out with her once in a while and try to avoid her friends but then I might as well tell her I hate them anyways... or "strongly dislike".


I'm in a pickle... Like the girl, like the girls friends... hate her guy friends.


- ST

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If you like her i dont think you should let her friends get in the way. Dont lie to her and say they are great, just be honest and say you dont feel you have a lot in common with them and sometimes find them hard to get on with. I dont see why you have to pretend that you care about their drunken antics. All relationships involve a bit of give and take and i'm sure she doesnt spend all her time with these male friends and you could work around it. good luck

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