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I really like this girl, but i'm not sure what to do.

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See I have known this girl since the beginning of the school year. I had her in one of my classes. At first we didn't talk because we didin't know each other. As time passed we got to know each other better and you could say we flilted with each other. See she is my cousins girlfriend's best friend. Once we all went to the movies there was three guys and three girls, but we didn't who was going with who. So we asked the girls and she asked my cousin if i liked her. My cousin told her he didn't know. then when the next semister started i didn't have in any of classes. But by now she knew I liked her. I sent her rose for valentines' day. I heard she was making a card, but she gave up on it because she didn't know what to put on it. And when she was asked if she would out with me she said she doesn't know. But then she started acting different with me. She would walk down the hall she will look at me but once I noticed and i turned my head to look her at she would turn around and just look forward. Also when she is talking to her friends she would constantly look to see if i was looking at her. It seems like to me she shy cause she acts like she is trying to ignore me, but when I call her over to talk to me she starts to smile and sometimes turns red. Then my friend went to talk to her about that I thought she was pretty and I wanted to take her out. She told my friend she thinks I'm cute, but she is not allowed to have a boyfriend. I know this sounds like bs. So I call her to see whats up. I ask her if my friend talked to her about I want to take her out, But she say he didn't. And I know he talked to her cause I overheard and also my friend told me he did. But she still said she didn't talk to him. So I told her straight up that I think she is pretty and I want take her out. I asked her what she thought about that. All she told is I don't know. Then I asked her about her not being able to have a boyfriend. She told me she can't, but my cousin's girl said she was able to. I told her and she said that she can, but her dad rather she not. Then my cousins's girl (remember her best friend) said to my cousin she lied to me. Then my cousins tells me that she is suppose to talk to me about that. I really don't know what going on cause some days she seems she likes me then other days she is different. I do know is that I like her alot and can someone please give me some advice on what I should do or if they think they know what seems to be going on. thank you

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