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Weight lifting and weight loss

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Hello All ..


Wutsup guys?

I want to ask a question that has been confusing me for some time .. I keep on hearing about ppl lifting weights to lose weight , Ive noticed a lot of ppl at the gym who are there to lose weight end up doing some body building , Can somebody tell me what the affect of body building is on burning fat and losing weight

Thanks guys

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well, from what i've read. Your muscles burn and use fat. Fat is basically stored energy mostly. So if you work out enough for your muscles to use up the fat, your fat goes away, and your muscles build up. Making you leaner looking. And have good muscle tone

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Muscles eat up a lot of calories. I believe a pound of muscle consumes an extra 60 calories per day. I've been working out with weights for about 6 months now, and I find I can eat as much as I want, and whatever I want, but I don't get fat. In fact, I'm only 11.1% body fat (normal range is 12-18%) and I eat like a pig. It's hard work though, and it's only worth doing if you enjoy it.

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In fact. When I first started working out I lost weight even though I was doing exercises specifically designed to increase mass. The reason was simply that it is easier to burn fat than it is to put on muscle. The weight loss was due to me burning off my extra flab by working out and increasing my energy needs, but putting on extra muscle poundage takes a long time, so I wasn't seeing any immediate weight gains from that. Now I'm 12 stone and 11% body fat, so most of my bulk is muscle. Since my body burns so many calories I never worry about what I eat (though I am careful to have a balanced diet and get proper nutrition obviously). It's really great being able to eat all the nice, tasty things you want, while staying fit and strong.

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